He is watching my face and when I smile, he gives me that gorgeous, crooked grin. I grab his cock and stroke it fast and hard. I want him to come. Now.
He rises up, grabs my shirt, and rips it up and over. I get my hand back onto his cock as he tries to work my pants. I do what I can to help him but I’m on a mission too.
It’s a struggle, but I’m naked at last and straddling over his legs while I work his cock and balls with hands and mouth. He runshis tail over my back and ass. When he presses it against the crack of my ass I push back into it.
He slides the tail down as I lick all around the head of his dick. Suddenly his tail is in my pussy pushing me forward. His dick slides into my throat with the force and then we’re both coming.
I’m so lost in my own orgasm I barely realize I’m choking on his sperm that overflows my mouth and throat. He is grunting in the sexiest way possible as he thrusts his dick up and down into my mouth.
I shudder as the last remnants of orgasm pass through. Unlike a dick his tail doesn’t soften, leaving me pleasantly filled as the orgasm causes my pussy to contract a few more times before the final quakes wrap up.
I drop onto him, and we hold each other in comfortable silence. His fingers trail over my skin and he slides the tail out but then his second cock is pressing to my opening. I shift my hips until it breaks the seal of my lips and slides inside.
We take our time, enjoying one another. Neither of us are in a rush to finish. Having him inside feels right. Somehow natural, as if I’m coming home. When we finish together, we’re both wiped. We quickly clean ourselves up then cuddle under the blanket still naked.
“Treasure,” he murmurs softly.
“Yes,” I agree. “Yours.” I rise onto an elbow so I can look into his eyes. “You’re sure?”
He frowns then shakes his head.
“Yes, sure,” I insist.
He clears his throat, thinking the question over carefully, or so it seems.
“Kat,” he touches my face and then runs his fingers through my hair. He trails them over my shoulder until he presses his hand between my dangling breasts. “My heart. Your heart. Same. We are one.”
My heart races, my throat clenches, and all I can do is nod. I kiss him and I know, for sure, that though the future is going to be fraught with peril, he is the one I love and that he loves me. Everything else will be what it’s going to be. I risked my heart and this time it’s paid off.
Unable to say words, I claim his lips as the best answer I can give.
The sharp crack of metal on stone echoes off of the steel walls of the nearby generation ship as the wrench slips off the rusty bolt.
“Damn piece of shit,” I mutter angrily.
I put the wrench back onto the head of the bolt and pull back using my weight. The bolts have to be tight to make sure the makeshift transport sled will work. It needs to hold, or we’ll have even bigger problems than all the ones we already do.
Sweat drips off, dotting the sled and the fused sand but I ignore it. The Order is coming soon. We don’t know how long we have, but the fear is palpable. People running, here and there. Most of them are looking like they could break down in tears at any moment.
Shana, one of the human leaders, is yelling orders. Dan is over by the graveyard and barking commands. I glance between the two of them. It looks to me as if they’re working against each other, but what do I know?
“Ava, we have a problem,” a voice calls from behind.
Turning my head, Derek’s face is pale and drawn. He gestures off towards one of the other sleds. A group huddles around a young girl who is sobbing. The sled collapsed under the weight piled onto it and spilling the precious supplies across the black-fused sand. I exhale sharply and then hand my wrench to Derek.
“Finish this one, I’ll deal with it,” I say, rising and brushing my pants free of grains of sand.
Despite the seething I feel inside, I exude an air of calm. My anger isn’t directed at any of these people. They were doing the tasks assigned. They clearly either didn’t know what to look for or didn’t pay attention to the signs they were overloading it. The last thing we need right now is panic. Fear will get us nowhere.
“Alright, let’s fix this,” I say, keeping my voice steady.
I crouch next to the sled. The bolts holding the rail on gave way. A shadow passes over and I instinctively put my hand on the knife strapped to my thigh.