I touch the left one. It wasn’t even a thought. I just reach up and run my fingers along it. He bows his head as I do. It’s cool, like he is, and has a ridged texture as I trail my finger along it. It’s hard, but not like a bone. More like cartilage maybe.
His eyes are a rich, deep blue. Darker blue than most blue eyes. So dark in shadow thatthey might appear black. He has thick eyebrows. The left one is broken by a scar that trails over his forehead and a quarter of an inch below his eye socket.
His nose has been broken at least twice, I’d guess, by the two lumps at the bridge. He has wide nostrils that don’t quite fit his face, being a little too big, but he has a great jawline and a gorgeous golden tan color to his scales and skin. He smiles. He has a broken tooth and between it and the way his lip curls it makes his smile twist in a way that is unique and attractive. I like the imperfections. They make him more real.
“Treasure?” he asks.
I trail my fingers down the horn and across his face. My fingers flow with the layering of his scales. The tiny ridge where each one lays over the one below it sends an exotic thrill through to my core. I move my mouth, trying to find my voice but my mouth is still too dry to speak.
“Heh,” I exhale and cough up some dust.
“Katarina, are you okay? Damn, speak girl. Do you need the medics?” Dan demands.
The other workers are huddling around close though they’ve stopped making all the noise. I need to get my head into the game. I don’t know how long I’ve been standing here gathering myself but it’s too long, I’m sure.
“F-f-fine,” I finally get a word out.
“Good,” the Zmaj says, showing that crooked smile.
I don’t even know his name but that voice, those eyes, that smile, I want to lose myself in him. I think I have, actually. It feels like there’s a pull going right out of my guts, connecting us. Dragging me into him.
“Damn it,” Dan curses.
Reluctantly, I tear my eyes off of the Zmaj. The machine that we’ve been using to get water from the ocean far below is wrecked. Smoke drifts from it in long, twisting curls. The acrid smell in the air tells me all I need to know. It’s shot. I don’t think there is any way we’re going to fix it.
Dan walks around the broken thing, shaking his head. He stops and kicks it then yelps in pain, holding his foot as he jumps up and down on the other to keep his balance. I suppress a giggle. It’s inappropriate and I know it, but stress always makes me react this way.
“Ow, gods, damn, ow, shit,” Dan curses.
I turn away. I have to try and keep myself from laughing out loud. Tears fill my eyes as I suppress the urge to giggle. This is a serious moment and I’m not really taking it lightly, but if I let this out everyone will think I am.
The Zmaj steps close. His presence brings comfort and then his body is touching mine from behind and oh my.
Is that a rocket in your pocket or are you happy to see me?
I know damn well what that is. My cheeks burn and I dart my eyes around to see if anyone else is noticing what’s happening.The other four have all their attention on Dan and the machine. I smile and push my ass back, pressing onto his hard member. I’m rewarded with a soft groan. He puts his hands on my shoulders, leans down, and whispers in my ear.
“Treasure,” he murmurs.
His breath is warm on my skin causing a shiver then he nibbles my ear and my knees are water. I almost drop to the sand it comes over me so fast. Once more he is there, though. He wraps his arms around me, crossing them over my belly. His hands are resting on my thighs and help to hold me upright. Crazy, but I want more. Now. I don’t even know his freaking name.
“We are fucked,” Dan says, his voice almost a growl that any Zmaj would be proud of emitting.
I’m distracted by the sensations and feelings of the Zmaj holding me tight with his manhood pressing hard against my ass. It’s awakening long-suppressed desires, but Dan’s words cut through all of that. Staring across the rolling red and white striated dunes, reality crashes in. Our sole source of water was that lift. No lift, no water. No water…
“Shit,” I mutter as I reluctantly step out of the Zmaj’s grip.
He doesn’t try to hold on, but his fingers linger across my skin until I am out of his reach. Four humans stand in a huddle staring at the broken machine. Just beyond it, the edge of the cliff is ragged where a section collapsed. Seeing that, my stomach drops with the memory of falling to what should have certainly been my death.
“Shit?Shit?” Dan says, throwing his hands in the air and stomping around in a circle. “You think?”
“Dan—” he cuts me off with a glare and a sharp slashing of his arm.
“I said to shut it down! Why didn’t one of you shut it down? What in the?—”
The Zmaj crosses to him in one long stride, towering over Dan. Dan tilts his head back to look up, his bald head shining with sweat.
“Enough,” the Zmaj says.