“I never told you that your father cheated, did I?”
I stare at her. Is this my perfect socialite mother talking? I never thought she’d accept that.
She nods, as if I’ve asked one of the questions spinning in my head. “Right after you were born. Things had been difficult at home and he... went elsewhere for a little while. But it was just sex. Do you understand what I’m telling you?”
I shake my head. “What do you mean it was just sex? Didn’t you care?”
She shrugs. “There are more important things.”
“Like what? Loyalty? Trust?”
She smirks at me. “Come on, Mia. Use your brain. We have a very comfortable life. Do you think I would have been able to give you that as a single mother?”
I bite back a retort that she might have if she’d considered getting a job, but I guess that’s never been on Mum’s radar. “Mum, I have to admit I’m shocked. But what happened between you and Dad... That’s up to you. And it’s in the past.”
“Sweetheart, it may or may not be in the past. I stopped asking. When you’ve been together for long enough you learn what makes a relationship work. It takes compromise.”
It takes me a minute to pull my jaw up off the floor. And another to stop wanting to gag at the thought of my dad stillsleeping around. I’ve had enough of this conversation. “Mum, I’m with Luke now.”
She pulls back. “The builder?”
“No, Mum. Notthe builder. The guy I’m seeing. The guy who treats me a hundred times better than Oliver ever did.”
“Oh, Mia. Not Luke. Listen honey, there’s something you don’t know about the Wilsons.”
I stare at her. Is she really about to do what I think she’s about to do?
“They're not... well they’re not human, Mia. They’re monsters. It’s like some kind of sick joke the way they flaunt their unnatural state in that town.
I can’t take any more of this right now. My head is pounding and my skin prickles with heat. I don’t say anything to Mum. I turn away and walk out of the bathroom. As I open the door to leave, Mum says behind me, “He’s just your summer mistake, Mia.”
I hurry back out into the cafe and take Luke by the hand. “Sorry, Dad. We have to go. Something just came up. Tell Mum I’ll call her, OK?”
Dad gets to his feet as I pull Luke out of his seat and tug him towards the door. Luke grabs my handbag from under the table and gives me a searching look.
“Everything OK, sweetheart?” Dad’s concern makes me turn, but not stop.
“No, but it will be.”
I lead Luke out before Dad can reply and before Mum returns from the bathroom. I don’t stop when we get outside, just keep hold of Luke’s hand and march him down the street and around the corner. When we get to where I parked mycar, I’m searching all my pockets for my keys, but my hands are shaking too badly. I growl, drop my handbag and rifle through it angrily. Luke quietly hands them to me.
I let out a long breath and sit on the curb. “Thanks.”
He sits beside me, ignoring all the people walking past staring at us, and waits until I’ve calmed down. Eventually, I get up, unlock the car, and we get in. I flop back against the driver’s seat.
“What happened?”
“I found out things about my Dad I wish I never knew.”
Luke frowns at me.
“He cheated on her! More than once I think, and she doesn’t care.”
“Ah.” There’s a pause. Then he sighs. “And she thinks you should go back to Oliver?”
I nod. I feel guilty even admitting it. Even though it’s not my opinion.
“Is that what you want?”