Page 54 of Kraken Cove

Then she’s gone. I had intended to get some work done today, but I’m pretty distracted. Even so, I go measure up the timber I’ll need for the cladding on the external walls outside the kitchen and start thinking about exactly how I’m going to do this part of the reno.

My phone buzzes with a text half an hour later.

Noah: what’s your girl doing at the Coral Breeze Cafe with that Sydney wanker? Is she fucking you around?

I groan and scrub a hand across my face. The last thing I need right now is to be reminded about where Mia is. It’s churning my guts as it is.

Luke: No, she’s telling him to fuck off. Just leave it OK?

Noah: I dunno, I’d get down here if I were you. Things don’t look right to me

For fuck’s sake!

I shove my phone in my pocket and slam the front door a little too forcefully on my way out. Lucky I’m replacing it. Pretty sure I heard something crack.

It only takes me a couple minutes to drive over to the Coral Breeze Cafe and park my truck. Feeling a little guilty at ignoring Mia’s request to stay away, I slouch down in the seat like she doesn’t know exactly what car I drive, and stare across the street, trying to make them out through the window.

I spot Mia first, her dark hair catching glints of red and blonde in the sunlight. Then I spot dickhead across from her. I expected him to look angry. I expected him to look as haughty and fucking stuck up as he did standing in that bedroom this morning looking like someone jammed a pole up his arse.

Instead, he looks upset.

I mean, who wouldn’t be, right? If I’d just lost a girl like Mia, I’d be devastated. It happened to me ten years ago, and my brothers both said I was unbearable for about a year. So I can’t blame the guy. Maybe he’s actually come to his senses. Too late, but at least maybe he realises what he’s lost.

Mia stands. I can’t see her face, she has her back to me. Asshole stands, too. He swipes a hand through his hair, leaving it all mussed, which will come as a shock to his personal stylist. No doubt he’s got one to brush his hair and another one to wipe his arse.

Mia says something and Asshole’s face goes from pale to red. He gestures wildly.

My girl just turns and walks out the door.

I’m cheering her on, counting the steps until I can open the door and get her into my truck when I spot him chasingher. Dickhead hurries into the middle of the road and grabs her arm, forcing Mia to stop.

I’m out of my truck and running to her before I spot the car, but it only makes me quicker when I do. It’s usually a quiet street. Not much traffic. But locals speed down here all the time because of it. And you have to watch out for Mrs Hayden. She’s ninety-three and probably shouldn’t be driving anymore at all. Only, my uncle can’t bear to cancel her licence.

I dart into the road, grab Mia, and pull her against me. Then I give Oliver a shove so hard he falls backwards onto his arse. “Don’t fucking touch her!”

Mia shrieks as the car swerves, and Mrs Hayden’s white Nissan almost hits us. I stumble backwards, pulling us out of the way and Oliver swears. “You fucking lunatic. Are you trying to get someone killed?”

“What the fuck is your problem?” I start back towards Oliver, lifting him to his feet by his collar. “She just wants you to leave her alone, do you get that? You fucked up. You lost her. End of story.”

Oliver pushes me away, brushing down his shirt like it’s made of gold thread. It might be for all I know. “And you think you can keep her, do you?” His face twists into a sneer. “You have no idea who she is, do you? Who her family are. Good luck making that work. You’re just a walking cock or should I say slithering. This is just a way for her to get back at me.”

His words sting, as they’re meant to. I hate myself a bit for the fact they do.

I turn, putting my arm around Mia, trying to make sure it doesn’t show. “Ready to go?”

She nods. “Yeah. I’m done here.”

It feels good to help her up into my truck. By the time I start the engine, I’m already feeling better.

She sighs. “I think I’m going to have to head back to Sydney this week. I don’t think I can keep putting it off.”

My stomach drops into the floor, and my knuckles tighten around the steering wheel. I force my face to stay neutral, though. Slowly I nod, keeping my eyes on the road, not trusting myself to look at her. “Yeah. Guess not.”

We’re silent for the rest of the drive. At least, it’s not far. But by the time I pull up in Mia’s driveway, my stomach has crawled back inside my body and tied itself in knots.

I thought I was getting somewhere, but what if this changes everything? Have I just run out of time?