Page 35 of Kraken Cove

How did I let a guy like Luke Wilson slip through my fingers, when apparently I had a chance all along?

I don’t know how, but I need to show him he couldn’t be more wrong about us. He’s exactly the sort of person I need in my life. Monster or not. I just need to figure out how it could work.

“Do you want to go?”

Luke nods and helps me up. We go inside to get my purse and say goodbye to his family.

“It was so lovely to meet you, Mia.” Mrs Wilson smiles at me. “We’d love to have you around more often.”

Mr Wilson, pretty quiet up until now, gives me a warm smile, too. “Absolutely. Any time.”

Even Noah gives me a smile before Luke leads me out onto the pier. As he closes the door behind me, I think about what he said. I hate that he was thinking he somehow wasn’t good enough. That’s not it at all. If anything, I felt like there was no way a guy like him would be interested in a shy, bookish girl who lived hours away. It’s not the first time I’ve given off the impression of being a snob, being quiet and shy. It certainly doesn’t help me relax in social situations.

I’m going to have to do something to change Luke’s impression. Because one thing’s clear, I want him. I’ve wanted him all this time, I just didn’t think he felt the same. Now I know he did, I can’t spend another day without telling him.

Impulsively, I grab his hand before he can lead me back to his truck. “Come with me for a minute?”

He gives me a questioning look, but I see the smile at the corners of his mouth. “OK. What have you got in mind?”

“You’ll see.”



Mia’s small hand in mine chases away some of the unsettling tug of my insecurities. Beneath our feet, the boards of the wooden jetty creek softly. Somewhere in the darkness a seabird calls.

She stops by the bench where I first spoke to her and looks around at me. “Do you remember the first thing you ever said to me?”

“I’m pretty sure it was something stupid,” I mumble. “I was too busy being in awe of your talent.” I scuff my foot against the wooden boards of the jetty, feeling pretty silly. I wish it had been something romantic or clever.

But Mia squeezes my hand. “I don’t think anyone has ever made me feel the way you do.”

Surprised, I look up. “Huh?”

“The way you see me. I don’t think anyone has ever looked at me the way you do. Like I’m special.”

“You are!”

“See. You make me believe it too. You make me believe in myself. I still remember how good it felt when you complimented my art and invited me to the beach. I’m glad we met and I’m glad you’re back in my life. I don’t want to rush into anything, but you should know how amazing I think you are.”

Yeah, I’m feeling a hell of a lot better now. I wrap my arm around her and tuck her against my side now that no one is looking. “Well you deserve it, gorgeous girl. You deserve all that and more.”

We’re quiet for a while, looking out over the inlet. The tide is high and the water laps at the edge of the boardwalk.

After a moment, Mia giggles. “You know I always thought kraken would have like sea monster names, not regular everyday names like Luke and I always thought you’d live under the sea.”

I laugh. “Yeah, well Luke’s not my full name. My parents gave us all kraken names, but we got so used to shortening them everywhere it kind of stuck.”

“Oh really? So what’s your full name?”

I shift uncomfortably. I’ve never admitted this to anyone. No one outside my family knows. “Lukvenar.”

“I like that,” Mia says softly.

“And as for living under the sea, there’s a secret you don’t know about the old Inlet Views. Not many people do.”

“What is it?”