I look up at him. The joey has left the pouch and is jumping all around like crazy on wobbly little legs. “What?”
“Will you show me when it’s done?”
I gape at him. “I don’t—”
He waits there with such an open, hopeful expression on his face I shut down what I was about to say: no one looks at my art. He’s already seen it, after all. Eventually, I just smile. “Sure. See you tonight.”
I can’t watch him leave, but a few moments later, I look around and he’s grinning back at me from halfway along the path. He lifts his hand and gives an enthusiastic wave which I sheepishly return. Did that hot guy I was perving on this morning really just ask me to come to a beach party with him?
And am I really going to go?
“She’s not coming, Lukey. Give it up.” Noah snatches the beer I’ve just opened and darts away smirking at me. My little brother is lucky I’m distracted or I’d chase after him and show him where he can stick his opinion.
“You better shut up,” I tell him. “Or you can get your own beers from now on.”
He holds up his hands, mock sorrow on his face. “Hey, hey, shutting up. Just don’t cut me off, OK? How else am I supposed to get through the next year of my life until I turn eighteen?”
I give him a shove. “Sober, like you should be.”
He scoffs. “Yeah, fuck that.” With another laugh, he jogs off to find his mates, who I’m pretty sure only hang around with us for the alcohol they can’t buy themselves. They’re not the guys I’d pick for mates, but Noah’s never had good taste when it comes to friends. Not a single one of them would still talk to him if they knew our family secret.
I sigh and reach into the ESKI to grab another beer, wiping my hands and the bottle on my jeans hastily so my skin doesn’t get too wet. When I straighten, I look up. Mia’s standing there at the top of the path.
She looks nervous. She’s wearing a pretty red dress with white flowers and her hair is loose and wavy at her shoulders.
Fuck, she’s beautiful.
I’m struck with it again, even though I stared at her for far too long this afternoon before I spoke to her. Long enough to catch the subtle glint of bronze in her hair and memorise the slope of her shoulders. Long enough it would have been creepy if anyone else caught me doing it.
I was fucking glad when she told me she’s eighteen and I’m not some kind of sicko.
I see it now, of course. You can tell by the way she speaks, if nothing else. Like she’s read most of the bloody books in the world.
Far too fucking clever for me.
Doesn’t stop me wanting her.
“Is that the Sinclair girl?” My older brother, Jack, pulls a beer from the ESKI and joins me.
I wave to Mia and her expression eases into a smile. She waves back shyly and begins descending the stairs.
“Dunno.” I’m only half listening to Jack. Most of my attention is focused on the way the hem of her dress flirts with the wind at the top of her thighs. To my shame, I think I glimpse pink panties.
My cock twitches.
Down boy.
Jack nudges me. “What’d you invite her for? They’re just a bunch of Sydney wankers. Same as the rest of ‘em.”
I frown. Mia’s not like the other holiday housers. The ones who think they’re too good for us local kids. “She’s here, isn’t she?” I argue. “She wouldn’t have come if she was like that.”
My brother just shrugs and moves off across the beach to find a spot to sit.
Good riddance. Now I have Mia all to myself.
“Hey, you made it.” I greet her as she walks across the sand towards me.