Page 26 of Kraken Cove

He should be.

Well, now I can’t resist. I sit and reach for his belt. “Let me.”



Fuck me.

The sight of Mia Sinclair cumming is possibly the most perfect thing I will witness in all my life.

How did I forget the way she looks as she cums? Probably because last time I was drunk and young and stupid and I didn’t think to look. I didn’t take the chance to fix it in my memory to replay it over and over. You better believe I do it now.

Her lips part, an adorable line forms between her brows while she holds her breath, only letting it out when she’salready shaking against my mouth. I want to experience this every day for the rest of my life. More than once.

I’m not ready to stop. I pull back to allow her some time to rest before I dive right back in for more. I’m about to move back to her pussy again when she sits and gives me a wicked, hungry look that has me dangerously close to the end of my control.

I might have overestimated how much of this I could take without giving in to the urge to have her.

The taste of her lingers on my lips, and my cock throbs behind my fly. It doesn’t help that her clever hands are making short work of my belt and the fastening of my jeans.

“Mia, wait.”

She frowns at me and opens her mouth to protest.

Something just occurred to me, though. She climbed into my lap and kissed me so fiercely I didn’t have time to think before. There was only time to react to her need. She needed to cum. I loved doing that for her. But if we continue—if I get inside that sweet pussy, then I’m done for.

I know what she did to me last time. Teenage Mia. Sweet, innocent Mia. The girl of my fucking dreams. Well that was before I knew.

Now she’s the woman I’ve been dreaming about for ten years: my fated mate.

My tentacles won’t glow for anyone else and I know for absolute certain my heart will be a bloody mess at her feet as soon as she lets me cum inside her perfect body knowing that.

I don’t think the same is true for Mia. I mean I’d like to think I have a magic dick. I like to think I could dick her into keeping me around, but even I’m not that dumb.

If it didn’t work last time, it won’t work now. Not even when I’ll be able to use my true form to bring her all the pleasure I’m capable of.

No, Mia Sinclair is a project you gotta work on over time. I’m older and wiser now. She needs romancing. She’s spent too long being ignored by that asshole Oliver. She deserves to know she’s special. Hell, she deserves more than what I could give her.

So, I somehow find a way to stop her from taking my cock in her hand. “Not tonight, Mia. I don’t want to do that tonight.”

Her frown crumples and I dart forward to catch her face in my hands, pressing a kiss to her lower lip to stop it trembling. “I mean I want to, believe me. I want to, but just not now. Not like this. Besides”—I’m grappling for reasons, when the perfect thing occurs to me—“Besides, I don’t have a condom.”

Her eyes widen. “Oh, right. Nor do I. God, I’m sorry. I didn’t even think. It’s been so long since—” She waves her hand, pressing her eyes closed for a moment. “Well, never mind. I guess we can’ know.”

I think she’s going to stop there, but she reaches once again for the waistband of my underwear. “Mia, what are you—”

She grins at me. “Well, there are other things we could do even with no condom.”

All the blood in my body rushes south. I groan. I’m not a fucking saint.

Long game. Long game. Long game.

I press my eyes shut and gently remove her hands from my fly. “There sure are.”

When I push Mia back to her position on the sofa, she looks up at me, smiling.

I spread her legs and get to work again, ignoring the aching bulge in my groin and the voice in the back of my brain screaming at me to fuck her senseless.