I stand and stretch, placing my hands on my lower back and sighing as my spine cracks. Normally, I would have knocked off already, seeing as it’s after four, but I don’t want Mia to think I was serious about taking too long on this job. I don’t want anyone to accuse me of lingering just so I can spend a little more time in the same house, chatting to her, making her cups of tea, just spending time with her. I don’t even know why I said it, except it’s true and I can’t seem to help blurting things out in front of her.
I scrub my hand over my face. It’s ridiculous. She’s untouchable. She’s engaged. I’m not that guy. I’ve never lookedtwice at another man’s woman. Yet the sight of her wearing my jumper around the other day haunts me. Fuck. The feel of her in my arms ten years ago haunts me.
I can’t even tell if she remembers me from when we were kids. The first time I spoke to her on the phone about the renovation, she was polite, of course. But she never mentioned knowing me, and I never brought it up.
Besides, even if she wasn’t engaged, she doesn’t know the truth about me.
I never got the chance to tell her all those years ago why I ran off when I got wet and my body started to shift. Back then I was scared it would have freaked her out. Monsters like me were still living in secret.
Since monsters went public five years ago, a lot has changed, but some of the humans in my small town are still adjusting to the idea that a family of kraken have been living next door all along! I dread to think what Mia’s reaction will be. There hasn’t been a right time to bring it up. How do you casually insert it into conversation?Oh, great pick on the accent tiles. By the way, I’m actually a sea monster!
When I poke my head around the corner of the living room door, she’s sitting with her sketchbook in her lap and her feet tucked up under her. The last of the afternoon light frames her face like a halo and I can’t help myself. “God, you really better keep that jumper.”
She looks up, a puzzled expression on her face.
“It looks about a hundred times better on you than it ever did on me. I’d feel ashamed to wear it now.”
Her mouth drops open into a little o. She immediately stands and begins taking it off.
“No, don’t. I mean it. Keep it.”
She pulls it back down so the hood catches on her head and, God, her flushed face is adorable. “I’m so embarrassed. I thought you were upstairs and I got cold...I can’t believe I thought it was Oliver’s.” Her colour deepens. “It smelled so good.” She groans. “Sorry, is that weird?”
Weird? No.
Does it do something crazy to my insides? God yes.
Does it make me long to shift and let her see how brightly I glow when she’s nearby? I’m surprised I’m not glowing in this form to be honest.
I clear my throat, wishing I could ask if she meansIsmell good. Knowing I can’t. “Please keep it. I’ve got others and it’s cold this year. You’ll need it tonight.” I’ve moved closer. I have the urge to reach out and pull back the hood and get a better view of her face. I don’t, of course.
“Thank you.”
We stand there looking at each other for a long moment, then we both speak at once. “I should probably—”
“Did you want to—”
I stop, forcing myself to take a breath. “Sorry. What did you want to say?”
“It’s silly. I’m sure you want to get home.” She looks down at her feet, then says in a rush. “I just wondered if you’d like to stay. We could get a pizza and watch a movie or something.” She shakes her head. “See. Silly.”
I hesitate so long she looks back up at me. Again, I’m hit by the beauty of her eyes. “Not silly. It sounds pretty good, actually. Only I shouldn’t, should I?”
“Oh. Yeah. Nevermind. Sorry.” She gathers up her sketchpad from the floor where it fell when she stood suddenly. I’d love a chance to look at it, but she’s embarrassed. I’ve spoiled the moment.
Tugging at the collar of my singlet, I try to keep my tone light. “I’ll see myself out, yeah? I’ll be back in the morning to do the grout.”
Good one, Luke. She doesn’t care about grout.
She shoots me a half smile and I let myself out. When I shut the door of my truck, I lean my forehead against the steering wheel for a moment and groan. What the fuck is wrong with me? I had to go and make a friendly gesture into something else. That’s all it was. She was just being friendly. She wasn’t making a move. But of course, I’m a prime idiot and I read something into it that wasn’t there.
I slap my hand over the wheel as I sit up. When I look around, Mia has come out of the house and onto the driveway; she saw me do it. I curse myself as I roll down the window and paste a stupid smile on my face. “Hey.”
She shifts uncomfortably. “Hey. I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for making things weird. And you don’t have to work tomorrow. It is Saturday, after all.”
I sigh. “Listen, Mia. You didn’t make things weird. I did. Forget it. Please. I always work Saturdays. So I’ll see you in the morning.”