Mum jumps in before I can react, laying an elegant hand on my arm. “Mia, I just want to say that we’re sorry. We were wrong. We came tonight to support you, and to ask for your forgiveness.” She looks to Luke. “Both of you.”
Dad clears his throat. “When you left like that, I have to admit, it was a bit of a wake-up call.” He holds out his hand to Luke. “You’re a better man than I am, son. It was very gracious of you to reach out to us. I want to apologise again for the things I did.”
Luke takes his hand and shakes it, but I can tell he’s uncomfortable. “Don’t worry about it. Honestly. I’d do anything to make Mia happy.”
I look from my mum to my dad, and take it all in. My throat feels tight and scratchy when I finally say, “I’m glad you came. I’m not coming back to work, though. Or to Sydney. Things are all settled with Oliver, and the apartment’s sold. My life is here now.”
Dad smiles. “So I see. I have to say, Mia, this is a great success. You’ve done well.”
Something occurs to me, and I narrow my eyes. “You didn’t buy out the exhibition did you?”
Dad shakes his head and Mum brushes a tiny speck from her classic little black dress. “I might have mentioned it to some friends of mine, but I assure you, we did nothing more than that. This success is all yours, honey.”
For some reason that is the thing that finally makes me cry. I brush stupidly beneath my eyes, trying to keep my makeup from running.
“Come on. Let’s get you a drink.” Luke looks around. He steers me aside from the crowd for a moment while I collect myself.
Noah and Jack approach, drinks in hand, that they hold up to me. “Well done, Mia.”
Jack grins. “We should run more of these things. I’ve had more bookings this week at Inlet Views than we had for the last two months!”
I smile. “That’s great. You know it would be fun to have a sort of festival of arts. I bet the Rotary Club would be in on that. There are so many wonderful local artists.”
Jack nods. “You know, I think you might be onto something. Could be a great little tourism booster.”
My parents excuse themselves with a promise to come and visit tomorrow, saying they’re staying in town.
Luke goes off to hunt down a glass of champagne for me, and Mr and Mrs Wilson come over.
“Let me give you a hug, love.” Mrs Wilson leans in to kiss my cheek and brings me into one of her special brand of warm hugs I’ve grown addicted to. They’re even better with all eight tentacles, but here in the art gallery she makes her two arms feel like they’re wrapped all the way around me. “You did so well, love!”
“Thank you.” I give Mr Wilson a wave. “How are you feeling? Are you recovering OK?”
He grimaces. “I’ll just be glad when everyone in town stops asking about it. There’s only so many times a kraken wants to make small talk about his arse with all his neighbours.”
We all laugh, even Mr Wilson, who is mostly joking. I can understand, though. I’d probably feel the same.
The night is a brilliant success. I’m complimented by so many people I lose count, and Luke tells everyone he sees how I sold out on night one, and how I’m going to win the Archibald Prize.
At the end of the night, I need to stop smiling so hard because my cheeks hurt. And I need to not have to make polite small talk with another person for at least a week. I’m surprised, though, when it’s easy to pull Luke away and get him to agree to take me home. I suppose it’s all the unfamiliar people. If the gallery was only full of Kraken Cove folks, I’d never drag him away.
“I hope you’re not too tired,” he tells me as he helps me up into the truck. “I’ve got a surprise I’ve been waiting to show you when we get home.”
I grin. “Oh, I’m not too tired for a Luke Wilson surprise. I’m never too tired for that.”
I expect him to give me a hint about what he’s got planned, but he won’t say anything about it. When we get home, he opens the front door and takes my hand. I expect him to lead me into the living room or our bedroom, but he leads us to the stairs. “The surprise is up here. Go on.”
Instinctively, I begin up the steps. “I thought it wasn’t finished.”
“Yeah, I’ve been keeping it a secret, because I didn’t build a master suite.”
“You didn’t?” I look back down the stairs at him in surprise. “What is it?”
“Go see.” He grins and shoos me up the stairs. When I get to the top, I peer around in the darkness, but all I can make outis something on the far wall that looks like a desk and a sink in the corner.
Luke steps close behind me, flicking on the light to give me a better look. I gasp when I realise what he’s done.
“Oh, Luke, it’s perfect.”