Luke comes back through the door, just as I’m trying to drag one full and heavy bag out to the living room. Of course, he stops me. He takes the bag, but instead of carrying it out, he sets it aside. “Mia, there’s none of your art on the walls.”
I blink up at him. “Oh, I guess there’s not. I never really painted anything good enough.”
He plants his hands on his hips and frowns down at me. “Good enough according to you, or according tohim?”
I look down at my feet and shrug. “Both.” It’s true. I never felt good enough about anything I painted to hang on our walls, but was that because of me or because of his reaction?
Luke shakes his head sadly. “This place. It’s all wrong. It’s not you. Where do you paint?”
I shrug. “I haven’t for ages. But when I used to, I’d set up in the window in the living room.”
Another shake of his head. My gaze drops to where his hand is fisted at his side. Then back to where his jaw is tight and his shoulders tense.
“What’s wrong?” I take a step closer. “I can be quicker if you just want to get going?”
Suddenly, he pulls me against him and kisses me fiercely. I’m surprised, but it only takes me a moment to melt into it.
When Luke pulls back, his breathing has quickened. “Did he ever really see you at all? I hope one day he realises how much he fucking stifled you.”
I stare up at him, stunned by how much anger and need fills his tone.
“It’s done now.” It’s the only thing I can think of to say.
He breathes out heavily. “It’s not, though, is it? Not until I rectify every way he underestimated you. Until I give you every fucking thing he didn’t.”
I gasp when he drops to his knees and pushes up the hem of the navy jumper dress I’m wearing until it reaches my panties.
“Starting here.” He hooks his thumbs into the panties and tugs them slowly down my legs.
My pussy floods instantly with awareness. I watch speechless as he draws my panties down my legs until I can step out of them.
When his gaze returns to mine, so much heat and possessiveness fills his expression I’m in danger of moisture actually trickling down my thigh. God, the raw need in hiseyes! His rough fingertips light up every nerve as he runs his hands back up my naked legs.
“Be honest. How many times did he make you cum on this bed, in this room?”
I have to think carefully. Oliver and I haven’t had sex in a while, and towards the end, I have to admit I faked it a few times.
I’m trying to recall more than a handful of times he actually made me cum, but my memories are hazy. “Maybe three or four.”
“Which is it, babe?” Green eyes search mine.
“Four. Probably.” I’m about to ask him why he’s so determined to know, when Luke curses.
“Fuck.Fuck! Ask me how many times I’ll make you cum every time you need me.”
My legs start to tremble when his thumbs trace tiny circles on my inner thighs. “How many?”
“Until you tell me to stop.” His words are punctuated with a low growl. He drops his head and makes slow kisses on my leg. Each one moves a bit closer to my aching, wet pussy. When his mouth hovers above my mound, his breath fans over my heated skin. “You gonna tell me to stop, Mia?”
I shake my head. “Never.”
He groans as he lifts my leg onto his shoulder. Then again when he takes his first taste of me. He runs his tongue along one flushed fold until he brushes my clit and I moan.
I thread my fingers into his hair and cling on while he teases up the other side. I practically melt into a puddle of arousal when he finally flicks his tongue right across my clit while his hands on my bum pull me closer.
My hips roll. My fingers tense in his hair. Luke doesn’t stop. He finds the spot I need him and he gives me just what I need until the pleasure feels like it could burst at any moment.
When he pulls back I whimper with need.