She smiles and catches her bottom lip between her teeth. “Only one tenth, huh?”

“Do you want to stop?” I curse myself for asking the question, but I’ve got to. I’m not doing anything she’s not comfortable with. That wasn’t why I brought her down here.

Mia shakes her head. “No. Do you?”

“Fuck no.” I kiss her again. How can I not?

Mia moans when I push my fingers into her hair. My cock pulses.

Our kisses are even more heated. Open mouths and panting breaths mingling. I can’t seem to help it. Every taste of her only leaves me starved for more.

Mia’s hand skates down my abs and before I know it, she’s reaching for my belt.

I stop her. I don’t want to, but I do. “Not until I’ve made you cum first. It’s a fucking crime your boyfriend never did.”


My pussy flutters at Luke’s words. I don’t think it’s been still since I kissed him. I can hardly believe he kissed me back. A guy like him? Handsome, sweet, perfect.

Now this?

The way he touches me makes me believe he can carry through with his promise.

I nod. I expect him to push a hand under my skirt and into my pussy. Instead, he stands. He turns me and guides me until I’m sitting back on the rock where he was a moment ago. When he gets to his knees in front of me, I realise what he has in mind.

If I thought I was wet before, the sight of Luke on his knees has a king tide threatening my panties. As he slowly pushes up the hem of my skirt, he fixes me with his intense stare as if asking at every centimetre if it’s OK.

Oh, God, it’s more than OK.

The slide of his roughened fingertips up my thigh has me anticipating his touch at my core. When he reaches my mound and his thumbs graze across the outside of my panties, I moan.

“You just tell me if you want me to stop, yeah?”

I nod, because I can’t speak right now. Luke pulls aside my underwear and he’s face to face with my quivering pussy and all I am is the need for him to put his mouth on me.

How will it feel?

I’ve always wanted to know, but Oliver never did it. Right now, in my head, it feels pretty damn good.

That’s nothing compared to Luke gently parting my outer lips and kissing me there as tenderly as he kissed my mouth. My eyes close all on their own. I can’t do anything for a moment.I drift on a high tide of sensation, wet and soft and teasing. So much, but not quite enough.

When he adds the flat of his tongue, I gasp. Sensation multiplies and pleasure shoots through me. I don’t even realise I forgot to breathe until he looks up and I let it out with a whoosh.

“That OK?”

I nod again. Why have I lost my tongue?

Luke only grins and lowers his head again, moving with more confidence this time. He licks up my slit, broad strokes of his tongue and gentle touches of his lips. He keeps going until he finds a place that makes me moan.

As soon as I do, he hones in on it. It’s like he somehow knows the magic he’s working on my body. He licks and sucks and plays with it, until I hardly know what he’s doing with his mouth. All I know is my toes are curling in my thongs and my hands are grasping at whatever I can reach. Luke’s hair. I thread my fingers into his hair and hold him there—right there—and he groans.

His hands slide up my thighs and around to pull me closer still, which increases the pressure on my clit. He just keeps going. Even when I think he must be tired. I loosen my grip on his hair to tell him he doesn’t have to continue, but then he does something with his mouth. The pressure increases again. Next thing I know, he adds a thumb and I’m shooting over the edge into an orgasm that clenches my belly and pleasure blooms inside me, hot and wet and melty, and so, so good.

My legs tremble around his ears as I come down from it, panting.

Lukelifts his head and grins up at me in the dim light and I swear I see a sparkle in his eyes. My pussy gives another weak flutter.

I reach for him, pulling him up so he can kiss me again. His lips taste sweet and salty and I realise it’s me I’m tasting. Instead of horrifying me, it makes my pussy quiver with renewed excitement.