“Hey. Sorry.” She pauses a few steps from the top, looking up at me apologetically. I want to tell her not to apologise to me, but then she’ll only do it again.
“Come here.” I hold out my arms and she hurries up the last steps to bury her face against my chest. That feels good. Knowing she was just waiting for an invitation to let me hold her. I shifted back to my two legged form ages ago, but I wish I still had eight arms I could hug her with. What a shit situation.
“I hope you told him to fuck off.” She didn’t. I know. I was listening, but I feel a little bad telling her that.
“I can’t. I’ll have to talk to him eventually, if only to sort out our apartment and all our stuff.”
I nod. That’s reasonable, of course. I’m the one being irrational here wishing she never had to deal with that asshole again.
“Thank you for not freaking out.” She pulls back to look up at me ruefully.
“What are you talking about?” I brush a hair from her cheek and tuck it behind her ear. “The only person freaking out here was him. Did you see the way he couldn’t stop looking at my dick? I bet he didn’t even realise they make them that large.”
This earns me a snort laugh and eases a lot of the tension around my chest.
“Your dick is pretty impressive.” Her smile is only half as bright as usual. I can tell it’s still getting to her.
“Come back to bed.”
She shakes her head. “I said I’d meet him for coffee. When we’ve both had a chance to cool down. I owe him that much.”
“You don’t owe him anything!”
She frowns, so I force myself to soften my tone.
“You don’t. Don’t take his shit. I was so proud of you for standing up to him. Don’t let him wear you down.”
She nods. “I won’t. Thank you.” Then she pulls away. “I’m going to take a shower and get dressed properly.”
“Want me to join you?”
She shakes her head. “No. Is that OK? I just need some space to sort my head out.”
I press a kiss to her forehead, trying not to worry. This doesn’t mean anything. Mia just likes to think carefully before making a move. I get it. “No problem. Let me know if you need anything.”
“Thank you.” I hate that her eyes get watery as she turns for the bathroom.
I force myself to respect her wishes, though, and give her the space she asked for.
Instead of crowding her, I pull on some sweatpants and go downstairs to make her some tea. Then I sit at the kitchen counter and wonder how the fuck I make sure this dickhead doesn’t put one over on my girl.
When Mia comes downstairs, she’s wearing her black heels and she’s done her hair up and put makeup on. She looks great, don’t get me wrong, but somehow she doesn’t look like my Mia. I’m notthatmuch of an idiot, though, so I just tell her she looks nice.
“Where are you going to meet him?” I hand her the tea and she gives me a half smile.
“Coral Breeze Cafe.”
I nod. There’s really not much choice in Kraken Cove. I’m proud she knows where the good coffee is. I take that as a good sign. Not that her dickhead ex deserves good coffee.
“You sure you don’t want me to come with you?”
She shakes her head, pushing her tea away. “I’ll be fine. Thank you, though. I appreciate your support. I do.”
She stands without touching the toast I made for her either.
“I’m going to head off. I won’t be long. Don’t worry, OK?”
I force my face into the worst fake smile I think I’ve ever attempted. “Yeah. No worries.” Then I follow her to the door and give her one final sound kissing before she hops into her car. Just to make a point.