“Oh, fuck!” His hand goes to my hair and he pushes it back from my face.

I smile around his shaft and redouble my efforts.

“Fuck, Mia, oh, fuck!” Luke’s hand tightens in my hair.

Another male voice from behind me makes me jerk and drop Luke’s cock like I’ve been burned. “Fuck, Mia, really?”


“What the fuck is this?” I turn to see Oliver glaring at Luke over my head. His eyes narrow. “Wilson? Is that you? What the fuck?”

I’m naked and I have the strange impulse to gather the doona to my chest to cover my breasts. Ridiculous, given the number of times Oliver has seen me naked. Not that he paid much attention lately. I resist the urge and instead fix him with my own glare. “Leave him out of this!”

“Oh, you want me to leave him out of this?” Oliver gestures wildly. “Maybe you should have left him out of our bed, Mia! Out of your mouth—Jesus Christ!”

Luke slides out of bed before I can stop him, rushing on eight limbs faster than I would have thought possible to put himself in front of Oliver. Of course he’s still fully shifted and completely naked. He plants his hands on his hips and I’m struck with just how much larger he is than my ex.

“You’re one to talk, dickhead. I don’t think you’ve got any right to storm in here and complain about anything Mia does.”

Despite Luke’s size and his monstrous features, Oliver doesn’t back down. He puffs out his chest and actually takes a step forward. Which might be stupid, except I know Luke won’t hurt him. Will he...?

I hurry from the bed, rushing over to get between them, “Hey, let’s just calm down, OK? Oliver, I don’t know why you decided to come down here today, but if you’ll just go wait downstairs, I’ll come talk to you in a minute.”

“You don’t have to,” Luke says softly, placing a hand on my waist and making me long to melt back against him.

Oliver glares. “You don’t get to say what she does or doesn’t have to do, Wilson.”

I fold my arms across my chest. “Well, you certainly don’t. Are you going to do what I asked you to, or should I call the police, and tell them there’s been a home invasion?”

Oliver scoffs. “I think it’s highly unlikely anyone would buy that story given that I have a key. Besides, look at him. Who would believe I’m the problem when there’s an actual monster in your bed.”

Luke shrugs. “Seeing as my uncle is the senior officer in town, he might need a very long interview to make sure he’s got all the facts.”

Oliver’s jaw drops open for a moment. Then he turns and heads for the door. “Fucking backwater town nepotism. Fucking supernaturals manipulating people.” He pauses in the doorway. “Put some clothes on for fuck’s sake, and let’s sort this out like adults. Leave your beast up here, or tell him to go home.”

He slams the door behind him and Luke spins me gently to face him with his hands on my shoulders. “Are you OK?”

I’m shaking a little, but I nod. “Just shocked. I’m so sorry—”

He cuts me off with a shake of his head. “Don’t be. It’s that dickhead who should be sorry. Want me to come with you?”

“No. Thank you. I think it’s better if I talk to him alone.”

He frowns, but I see him bite back his response. “OK, but if I hear anything I don’t like, I’m coming down and I may or may not put clothes on first.”

Despite everything, that makes me laugh. Luke presses a soft kiss to my lips. By the time I’ve found my shorts and his jumper, I’m feeling a little stronger and very certain about what I need to say to Oliver.



Waiting at the top of those stairs while Mia deals with her shithead ex alone is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done.

I do it, though, because I trust my girl and I know she’s got this.

Doesn’t mean I don’t slam my fist into the wall to help me hold in my curse every time he tries to gaslight her. The guy’s a shark. Coming at her with an argument from every angle about how he’s the victim, and he came here to explain and work things out. How it hurts him to see her with a monster like me.

I wish I could see her face. I wish I could see her scowling at him or the stubborn set of her chin as she thinks of a cleverresponse. She does so much better than I’d ever do. Eventually she gets sick of him and kicks him out. I’m surprised when Oliver agrees to leave, but he does. A minute later, I hear the front door close and Mia starts back up the stairs.