“Need you to tell me you’re mine.”

“I—” That’s not so easy. It’s not that I don’t want him. God, I do! But so many things stand in our way. We live in different cities. Our families would never get along, and I’ve been engaged to someone else until a few days ago. “I can't.”

He sighs. I think he’s going to pull away, but he doesn’t. He shifts so his cock is no longer nudging at my entrance and I mourn the loss even as I worry I’ve hurt his feelings. “Luke, I’m sorry.”

“It’s OK, Mia.”

“No, really—”

“Shhh.” In a moment he gathers me close again, hushing me. “Didn’t I say I’d wait as long as you needed?”

“Sorry,” I whisper again.

“You don’t need to apologise. That’s OK. I’m going to be right here when you are ready. Don’t you worry about that.”

I’m about to pull away when a slippery tentacle slides up my thigh to find the place I’m still wet and needy. I gasp.

“Didn’t I say I would take care of this for you as often as you need me to?” Luke whispers.

I bite my lip as another two tentacles twist around my legs, slipping between us to part my folds and give the other better access. If I thought he was good with his mouth and hand in human form, that’s absolutely nothing compared with what he does to my body like this.

As he rubs my clit with just the right pressure, I’m liquid in his arms, melting back against the cool tiles as he works my body. When I would have shut my eyes, a gentle hand at my chin keeps my gaze on his as I tip over the edge into a rush of sweetness he draws out for such a long time my knees are shaking.

Luke makes me cum three times standing against the shower wall. The spray from the water is cool on my overheated face. The last time I cum, I’m so strung out I gasp his name and he has to carry me out of the shower.

When I can finally speak, it’s around the thick mass that feels lodged in my throat. “Luke, I didn’t mean I don’t want you.”

He nods seriously, sinking to towel me dry gently. “I know.”

“I just have questions that I have to resolve before I can tell you anything more and I don’t want to say it if it’s not real.” I wish I could find the words to tell him everything I’m feeling. To explain.

“I know that. And I love that you’d never lie to me just to get what you want. I trust you. You’ll tell me when you’re ready. So trust me to be here when you are.”

He’s quiet for a moment. I wonder if I really have hurt his feelings. Then he sets the towel aside and his warm hands slide up my calves. “Mia, there’s something I should tell you about me.”


Luke straightens, standing on six of his eight tentacles and lifting the other two to lay them in my hands. The ends glow softly, illuminating my skin, and I stare at their translucent beauty. “I don’t always glow like this.”

“You don’t? But I thought—”

He shakes his head. “Only when I’m near you.”

My mouth falls open and my heart races. This feels important, but I’m worried I might be reading too much into it.

“Only when I’m near my mate.”

There’s a heartbeat while I process what he’s said. He squeezes my hands. “So when I say I’ll wait for you, you can believe me.”

“Oh, Luke.” I don’t know what to say. I think back to every time I’ve seen him in this form. And he’s right. He’s always glowed. “How long have you known?”

He looks away with a sheepish smile.

“Luke! How long?”

“Since the very first time.”

I stare. “Ten years ago?”