Luke:yeah. I mean I think. It’s just a test at this stage
Mia: here if you want to talk. Or if you just want to come binge Netflix and ice cream. Here for that too xx
I should probably leave her alone. I did just spend all night and all morning at hers.
My resolve lasts all of about twenty minutes, until Mia sends me a photo of her in her tiny pyjama shorts and my jumper.
Mia: still haven’t showered. Better come now or I’m choosing the movie
I’m into my truck and parking in her driveway quicker than I should probably admit, given I had to break the speed limit to do it. When I knock she opens the door straight away with a grin.
“Have you eaten? I couldn’t be bothered going to shops, so I’m making omelette and I could make some for you, too.”
My stomach growls and Mia shoots it a look. “Two omelettes coming right up.”
I feel a bit lame sitting at the kitchen counter while Mia cooks me dinner. When I try to get up and help, though, she shoos me back to the stool. “You’re the guest. Sit!”
I sit down again, and she hands me a plate with some toast, then pushes the butter towards me. “There. If you want to be useful.”
As I butter the toast, she turns back to the stove. “So did your dad say what he’s being tested for?”
“Not exactly. He just said it’s a lump and—” I break off, grimacing. “Pretty sure you don’t want all the ugly details.”
She turns and slides a steaming omelette onto my plate. “Why not? If you want to tell me, I don’t mind.”
“Well, it sounds like they think it’s bowel cancer. At least that’s what came up top of my search when I googled. Not that he was up front about the details.”
She puts the pan in the sink and comes to stand next to me, putting her hand on my knee. For some reason, my throat gets really tight and I struggle to swallow my mouthful of omelette.
“It could be nothing.”
I sigh. “That’s what he said. But what if it’s not?”
She squeezes my thigh. “Then there’s lots of things they can do. Even if it is bowel cancer, he could still be fine.”
I put down my fork and gather her into my arms, resting my cheek on her breasts for a moment. She slips her arms around my waist, and we just stay like that for a little while.
Eventually, I let her go. “Don’t let your toast get cold.” It’s a shit excuse for a thank you. My throat still feels tight, though, and I don’t trust myself to say much more. She doesn’t seem to mind.
By the time we’re on the couch with her feet tucked in my lap watchingLove Actually, I’m feeling better. I don’t even mind that she insisted on picking a sappy rom-com. I’ll never admit it, but some parts are actually funny.
Mia’s right. No point worrying now. The lump might turn out to be nothing. Or it might be something they can easily treat.
So I focus on massaging her feet gently with my knuckles, listening to the little sighs she makes, and watch her face while she thinks I’m not looking.
God, she’s beautiful.
Effortlessly beautiful in a sort of natural wholesome way. Her brown hair falls in soft waves below her ears. Her smallnose and angular face is somehow soft instead of harsh. I can still see the pretty eighteen-year-old there beneath the layers of the older woman who is wiser, smarter, but still hesitates to put herself forward, still needs to be told how amazing she is.
When Mia yawns and switches off the TV, I scoop her up, ignoring her shriek of protest. Then I carry her up to bed and tuck myself behind her to spend another night with her in my arms. It’s worth every ache and pain in my joints and skin from the dehydration to hold her all night long.
Luke slips into my shower the next morning as easily as he has fitted into that hole I didn’t even realise I had in my heart. Like he’s the missing piece of a puzzle I thought I’d already solved.
His rough hands rub from my waist down over my hips and I smile to myself when they turn from lightly tanned to bright aqua with tiny pink webbing between his fingers as the water transforms him. He tucks us together until I can feel his erection pulsing against my back.