I know I’ll never get that chance again.
And I wasted it. Fumbled around in the dark on the sand and ran off so she wouldn’t see me, before I got a proper look at her. God, what I wouldn’t give for a look now.
I’m getting hard at the thought. My feet carry me halfway up the ladder before I realise what the hell I’m doing and stop myself.
I can’t.
I will not creep up the ladder and peep at her like a bloody pervert.
But, God, I want to. I want to so badly it takes me another second to process the next thing that happens.
A low moan drifts through the window. Then a louder, higher-pitched noise.
Is she hurt? Has she fallen? What if she’s slipped in the shower and she’s been calling out for someone to come help her? Of course, there’s no one there. She’s all alone. Her friends and family are hundreds of kilometres away.
I hesitate another agonising moment before another moan decides me. I have a key. I could let myself in. But if I’m wrong, if she’s not in trouble, that will freak her the fuck out.
No. I’ll just climb to the top of my ladder and check first. Before I barge in like an intruder. I’ll just make sure.
The last few rungs take my head above the window ledge.
As soon as I’m there, I realise what a fucking idiot I am. She’s not hurt. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with Mia Sinclair.
In fact, at the moment, there’s every goddamn thing right about what I see through the window. There she is, naked and beautiful, just like I pictured her. Her dark nipples peaked and taut. Streams of water run over her shoulders and down her body to where she has her leg propped up on the edge of the bath. Her hand flutters over her pussy, rubbing at her clit.
I’ve just about died and gone to heaven.
Holy fuck.
What I wouldn’t give to be allowed to touch her that way. Or to be allowed to watch until she makes herself cum instead of sneaking around outside her house. To be allowed to hold her while her body convulses and spasms with pleasure. While she moans and clutches at my hand and whispers my name.
Jesus, I’m so fucking hard I’m aching. I threw on my jeans when I got back to my truck and my cock presses angrily against the fly. I lean just a little further, hoping to see a little more, get a little closer.
Then Mia’s eyes open and she stares straight at me. Straight at me peering at her over her window ledge while she showers.
I try to straighten, but leaning over unbalances the ladder. My sudden movement tips it completely and I clutch at the sill. It’s not enough to straighten the ladder. It slips out from under my feet and I’m left dangling.
That’s what I get for making dumb choices. For being the guy who creeped on Mia as she touched herself in the shower. I know one thing, though. Even if I fall and break my leg, it’ll be worth it. That vision will live on in my memory until my dying day.
“Luke!” Mia’s small wet hands clutch my arms.
The moisture on my skin takes effect instantly. My jeans rip as my body transforms, eight tentacles replacing my two human-like legs. I use my suckers to drag myself over the ledge and collapse into the bathroom as Mia takes a step back.
“Oh my god, Luke! Are you OK?”
I’ve somehow won the lottery. Mia Sinclair is standing in front of me, wet and naked and enticing, asking me if I’m OK!My mouth opens, but absolutely nothing comes out for way too long. God, I’m just making this worse, ogling her like a weirdo. I should look away. Only I can’t. If this is the only opportunity I have to take in every graceful line and the exact colour of her perfect skin, I’d be even stupider than I look to waste it.
Then her eyes widen and she gasps. “Oh my god, Luke. Look at you!”
I glance down at myself and belatedly realize I’ve fully transformed. I’m standing in front of her with a tiny scrap of my ruined jeans around my waist to cover my very excited erection, tentacles glowing, skin green and fins for ears. “Ah, there’s something I didn’t tell you about me...”
When she doesn’t scream or try to run, I take it as a good sign. What she does do is stare as avidly at me as I was staring at her a moment ago. I mean I can hardly blame her, given the way I must look to her.
Finally, she looks down at herself and back up at me with an adorable little lopsided grin that turns into a giggle. “Um...” She fumbles with her hands, clearly undecided about whether to cover her chest or her pussy.