“Well, just make sure you’re not late for dinner,” my mother says. “We’re meeting the Wainwrights down at La Bella Vista and I don’t want to keep them waiting.”

I sigh. There’s no point arguing with her. I hate that this trip somehow turned into me hanging out with them and all their friends again. I’m pretty sure the Wainwrights have a son about my age, and that this is one of those setups they pretend are not setups. I wish she’d give it a rest. I have zero interest in the snobby dux of whatever private boys’ school he went to, or whoever they think is a suitable match for me.

Besides, Oliver and I are just on a break. He wanted some time to make sure we don’t rush into commitment straight out of school. Tegan reckons he just wants to sleep around, but atleast he was upfront about wanting a break, right? Rather than sneaking around behind my back.

When lunch finally ends, I’m able to make my escape. I exchange my dress and sandals for denim shorts and thongs, grab my sketchbook, and head down to the jetty. I must have sketched this view a hundred times before. I never feel done with it. There’s always a different angle or new lighting that makes me notice some minor detail I didn’t see before. Or someone interesting is fishing off the end or walking by. Besides, I love looking back over my sketches and seeing how my skill has improved.

I’m still not as good as I’d like and what I really want is to paint it, but since I don’t have my easel and a canvas, a sketch will have to do.

The jetty is on the inlet, further inland from the cliffs and the golf club. The water here is still and the Inlet motel’s intricate wooden railings and large verandah make a beautiful contrast to the natural beauty of the hills and the water.

I position myself on a bench overlooking my favourite view in Kraken Cove and open my sketchpad. I don’t know what it is today. Some days are just better than others. Today, my pencil slides easily across the paper and the shapes just come together. I’m so absorbed in my drawing I don’t notice anyone approaching until a low whistle behind me makes me turn. “Wow, you’re good.”

It’s the cute guy from this morning. Dressed in the same sleeveless shirt and shorts, looking just as mouth watering as before.

I realise what he’s talking about and slam the sketchpad closed with a grimace. “Ah, not really.”

My laugh is awkward. I wonder how long he was standing there watching me, looking at my drawing. My cheeks are hot and I don’t know what to do with my hands.

“Aw, what’d you do that for?”

I look away from his green eyes. “Oh, you know.”

I expect him to leave, but he’s still standing there, arms folded across his chest. “Nah. I don’t think I do. Enlighten me.”

Oh, God. He’s going to make me say out loud I’m flustered because a cute guy is openly admiring my work. “Um... well I don’t think I’m very good. And—”

“What? Don’t be silly. I was watching you. It looks amazing.”

I cover my hot face with my hands for a moment, not sure what else to do. No one ever looks at my art anymore. I used to show my parents, but it would always be met with, “Hmmm. Don’t you have homework to do?”

It’s been years since I let anyone see.

I look up again when he sits down beside me on the bench. “I’m Luke. Are you new in town? I don’t think I’ve seen you around before.”

Grateful he’s dropped the subject of my drawing for now, I slide the sketchpad off my lap and tuck it under my leg. “I’m Mia. I'm just here for the summer.”

“You’ve been here all summer and we’re only just meeting now?” He shakes his head. “That’s just about criminal. Wait. How old are you? I’m not making this weird by chatting up a fifteen-year-old, am I?” He laughs.

My mouth drops open. Both at the suggestion he’s actually flirting with me and in outrage he can’t somehow magicallytell I’m eighteen. “No! I’m eighteen. Actually, it’s my birthday today.”

His eyes widen. “Today? Happy birthday! But what are you doing down here all by yourself? You should be celebrating.”

I shrug. “You haven’t met my parents. Getting away from them is a form of celebration.”

Luke laughs again. I can’t help staring at the way it exposes neat white teeth and makes the hazel flecks in his green eyes sparkle. He slings an arm behind me over the back of the seat. It’s a casual gesture, and yet my heart flips around in my chest like a joey in its mother’s pouch. I’m probably about as elegant as well.

“Listen, a bunch of us are heading down the beach tonight. Why don’t you come along? It’s not much, but it’s gotta be better than hanging around with your parents, right?”

I smile. “Yeah.”

Chewing my lip, my gaze skirts around his face and back to his eyes. The intensity in his expression makes it hard to keep eye contact. I want to go, but my mother will only say it’s a bad idea. I don’t know anyone, and it will be dark, and so on.

“I’d really like to...” I begin.

“Great.” Luke beams. “Then I’ll see you down at Bailey’s Beach at eight?”

He gives my leg a nudge with his. “I’ll leave you to your drawing, but promise me something, OK?” He stands.