“Hello, Justine.” His tone is perfectly pleasant. Why does it make me hesitate to greet him?

“Hi.” I take my seat beside him.

A dryad with a long train of trailing vines walks up the steps to hand some cards to Tabitha. Someone hands me a glass of water that I almost spill.

Ronan takes it from me and places it on the table in front of us.

“Thanks,” I murmur.

Then a huge light in front of the audience switches on and the centaur is back. “Ready to go in five, four...” He mouths the rest of the countdown while he backs off the stage.

Loud theme music plays. The audience cheers.

Then the music dies and Tabitha looks at the camera. “Good morning! I’m Tabitha Redman and welcome to the Morning Show.”

The music surges. There’s a final wave of cheers and then quiet.

Tabitha smiles. “I’m joined today by Ronan Kernos and Justine Delany, TV’s latest darlings, and stars of this season of Married for a Day. Ronan Kernos of course is also the minotaur in charge of Bullseye Media and last year’s Heartstone Times’s bachelor of the year.”

Whistles from the audience. Ronan’s tail flicks against my ankle, but his smile stays in place.

Tabitha turns to him. “So, Ronan, what did it feel like to go on your own program? And is reality TV the same on both sides of the camera?”

Ronan slings his arm over the back of the sofa, crossing a hoof over his leg. He looks so relaxed. I hate that he’s sitting so close but we’re not touching. “Funny you should ask that, Tabitha. I must admit, it was very different to what I anticipated.”

Her eyes twinkle and she leans forward with a canine grin. “Oh, really? Tell me more. You know I love to spill the tea.”

The audience laughs at the reference to her blog.

Ronan huffs. “Well, let’s just say I got more than I bargained for.” He glances around at me and I squirm in my seat. Is he going to publicly acknowledge our relationship? He hasn’t done anything to conceal the fact that we see each other regularly. But since the show aired, we haven’t been together anywhere in public.

I thought when the show finished and they aired the final episode, he might relax more, but he has been busy lately. Mostly, I go to see him at his apartment.

Tabitha wags her finger at him. “I’m going to ask you more about that in a moment, but Justine, I’m curious to hear from you, too. Welcome to the show.”

“Hi.” My voice comes out all croaky. I have to clear my throat.

“Do I have it right that you are a big fan of Married for a Day?”

I nod.

“What was it like to be on the show after watching it for years?”

This is easy. I’ve practiced this one. “I was so excited! I can’t believe they picked me. And everything was just so amazing. The place we stayed! All the activities.”

“And Ronan?” Tabitha gives me a knowing look.

I flush, but there’s no point hiding it. “Yeah. He’s amazing, too.”

“Heartstone Times’s bachelor of the year. You must have been excited to be paired with him.”

“I was.”

Ronan casts me another smile, more knowing and more dangerous this time. My heart does its normal little dance.

“So if he’s so amazing,” Tabitha leans forward, “Why did you write no during home stay week?”

My mouth drops open. I have an answer to this, too, but it’s harder to pull off. Because it’s a lie.