Then he wedges a crowbar in and pries me open completely. “I got you a toothbrush and a few toiletries so you don’t have to leave. There’s a change of clothes in the closet.”

It’s lucky he doesn’t expect me to speak after a session like that. I’m not sure I could around the lump in my throat.

Eventually, Ronan sets me down and gets up. He picks up the splash blanket—a necessity with a minotaur lover—and cleans me up. I lay like a doll, letting him lift my limbs and tenderly wipe the damp cloth over me.

When he returns to bed, I snuggle against his warm, furry chest and quickly drift into sweet dreams.

When I wake in the morning, he’s already gone. Not unusual, since he often wakes before me and leaves the bed. Today, there’s a note on his pillow.

Message Harvey when you’re ready to leave. Anna has left breakfast for you in the fridge. I hope you slept well xx

I press the note to my chest and squeeze my eyes shut, feeling the two kisses as if they were real ones. He never says ‘I love you,’ but I’m not looking for miracles. It’s special that my bullheaded minotaur is finally lowering some of his walls around me.

I get a text from Courtney as I’m getting ready for work.

Courtney: I take it you spent the night last night as well! Get it girl! R u busy tonight? I feel like we haven’t chatted in ages :(

She’s right. My stomach twists guiltily as I slide my phone onto the counter and reach into the fridge to pull out the yogurt and granola Anna made me. I’ve been neglecting Courtneylately. A sure sign I’m getting too caught up in things with Ronan. Another bad trait of mine.

Justine: awww sorry! You’re right. Let’s do something. Takeout Chinese on the floor and a movie?

She can’t be too mad. She messages back straight away

Courtney: yes plz! Ur shout to make it up to me

She’s already typing the next message as I read that one.

Courtney: btw I watched episode 2 last night. U guys are adorbs!

I grin. It’s kind of weird that my best friend is watching the episodes of Married for a Day as they air, but I couldn’t tell her not to. Ever since I got back from Paris, she’s been one hundred percent supportive of my relationship with Ronan. At least on the surface.

Whatever that relationship is.

I just wish he’d agree to meet her. I really think the two of them would get along. Courtney is like a ball of sunshine. It’s impossible not to like her. Ronan has loosened up so much. He smiles and laughs easily these days. As if the grumpy guy I used to work for has vanished completely.

He even took an entire day off work last week just to spend it with me. To say I was astonished is an understatement

I pick up the Chinese on my way home from work. I get a few second looks on the street. No one has outright asked me if I’mthatJustine from Married for a Day. I never really thought about how it would feel to be recognized on the street. Ronan says I should be more careful going out alone while the show airs, but this is just our local Chinese.

It’s a short walk from our favorite restaurant back to our apartment and by the time I get in, Courtney is already pouring drinks. “Hey, you! How was your day?” She hands me a glass of wine after I set the food down on the coffee table.

I take a long drink before answering. Courtney winces. “That good, huh?”

I sigh. “I still don’t feel like I’ve settled in. Maybe I never will.”

We sit, tucking our feet under us, and I dish out the egg rolls. “I keep telling you, you should come work with me. You know my boss is still looking.”

I shake my head sadly. “It would be great, but I’m no good with animals and if I tried to groom a dog’s hair, you know I’d stuff it up and get fired!”

She laughs at me. “You’d get the hang of it.”

We stuff our faces and eventually, Courtney changes the subject. “So things with Ronan are good? You know you all are the cutest thing in that golf scene.”

I flush. I’d forgotten about that. Now it’s hard to wipe the silly smile off my face. I’m about to answer, when a message notification pops up on my phone.

Ronan: are you free on the fifteenth?

“Oooh, is that him now? Did you guys spend all weekend together?”