“You don’t have to do that. No need to save me from myself.”

We’re silent for a while longer. I’m drifting to sleep, reflecting on how nice it is to have her here in my space, in the bed that feels like home, marking my sheets with her scent.

Then my tail flicks against the mattress in annoyance. “It’s going to be hard to give this up, Traffic Lights.”

“Hmm?” She sounds as sleepy as I feel.

I stroke a lazy hand along her shoulder. “Going to be hard to break contact after the filming is through. I wish we didn’t have to do it. If things were different, you’re someone I’d like to have around more permanently.”

She doesn’t reply. Maybe she’s fallen asleep.

I’m glad to have raised the issue with her, though. It’s a relief to have dealt with it, if only briefly. At some point, we’ll have to have a longer discussion about her future. I’d like to set her up with a job that makes her happy. With good pay and good conditions.

It would be best if I don’t have all the details about how to contact her, though.

I can see myself caving on a lonely night in a moment of weakness and that would be inexcusable.

Best to make a clean break so that we can both move on.

By both I mostly mean me.

Moving on from this is going to be harder for me than I would have believed. I can already tell. So hard. I’m not yet ready.

One more week. I have one more week to enjoy teasing pleasure from her body at night and having her in my bed when I wake. We can renew our vows and film for one more week.



I should be used to waking in Ronan’s bed by now. Only this is his real bed. Somehow that hits different.

I breathe in deeply, savoring the particular scent of him. Relish the warm, firm body behind me and the possessive arm curled around me.

Then I remember.

He’s letting me go. In all senses of the word. As soon as the show stops filming, that’s it. I couldn’t respond last night. I still don’t know how to feel about it.

It’s not that I really thought there would be something romantic here. Only, I thought after the show I’d still get to see him. Maybe find a chance to impress him, or flirt, or something. Anything. It wouldn’t feel so final.

I realize now that’s stupid. Why wish for something that’s only going to prolong my misery? Really, in ending my employment, he’s being kind.

It doesn’t feel very kind, though.

I lie still a while, even when he stirs, trying to snatch a few extra minutes. I don’t want to go back to the other Ronan. The stern billionaire minotaur always so in control. I prefer the bull beneath the mask he wears in public. The tender, caring side beneath the temper and the icy veneer.

I guess I won’t be seeing either side of him much longer. Today is the vow ceremony, then we head into our final week of filming.

Ronan’s lips nuzzle at my neck. “Good morning, beautiful.”

My stupid heart thuds madly in my chest and I can’t smother the smile that sneaks onto my lips. “Good morning.”

“We’ll have to call the crew soon and get back to the rental, but let’s enjoy a few more minutes.”

I don’t say anything. I don’t really want to. Behind me, his breathing evens out and his arm around me is relaxed and heavy. That buys me a few more minutes to think.

Can my heart survive another week of this? Already I’m melting at the smallest touch or kind word. After another week, I’ll be nursing a full blown broken heart.

I wish I could take pleasure from him the way he does from me with no strings, no attachment. Only, I’ve never been that girl.