“Please don’t.” His tone is serious, but he’s smiling.
“This is the best! But you have to work! You’re going to miss out.”
He snorts. “Somehow, I will live with that. You be sure to enjoy it, though. I look forward to a full review of the book when you’ve finished.”
I smile down into my pancakes. Does he know how smutty Rosaline Hargrove’s books are? They might be regency, but that does not stop her writing the most toe curling filth I’ve ever read.
Ronan chuckles and lowers his voice. “Oh, I’m definitely looking forward to that review if the color of your cheeks is any indication.” He slides my plate closer to me. “Eat up. You need your strength for a full day of pampering. I’ve had Anna prepare some salads to leave in the fridge in case you’re home for lunch but if not, don’t worry. She’ll make up some things for dinner as well, so don’t feel the need to lift a finger.”
I stare at him. He really means it. I like this Ronan Kernos. The secret tender one apparently set on spoiling me more than I’ve ever been spoiled in my life. Maybe Courtney was right. Maybe I really should have offered him that blowjob weeks ago. Apparently, an orgasm for him is almost as good as a personality change.
To be fair, if his was anything like the three he gave me last night, I understand.
I’m still swooning as he waves goodbye and steps out the door, briefcase in hand.
I’m grinning so hard into my pancakes I’m startled when Amy pulls out the seat next to me and sits. I’d kind of forgotten everyone else was here.
“Whatever you’re doing, keep doing it,” she says in a low voice.
The crew bustle around preparing what they need for the trip to the spa and the book signing, which they apparently need to film. Even the thought of being filmed while wearing only a bathrobe or a sheet is not enough to wipe the stupid smile off my face. The pancakes are delicious. A little gritty, but the sweet tartness of the berry compote more than makes up for that.
Kind of like Ronan, really. He can be grumpy, but there are so many things about him that make that easy to forget.
“Mr. Kernos?”
“Hmm?” I’m jolted out of my highly inappropriate train of thought and I snap my attention back to the presentation on the screen.
Joseph, my head of marketing, looks a little crestfallen, but he pushes on despite my lack of attention. After another five minutes, I stop him, swiping a hand over my face. “Look, I’m sorry, Joe. I’m having trouble concentrating today. Migraine coming on. How about you send me the files and I’ll go over it all again tomorrow and we can meet again on Tuesday?”
“Oh. Sure. Sorry, Mr. Kernos.”
“It wasn’t your presentation, Joe. I have to admit I’m a little on edge, what with all the upheaval.” I jerk my head at the film crew who have been trailing me all day, relentlessly filming every time I sneeze. I made them wait outside the door for this meeting, since the content is sensitive. Even so, they’re filming through the glass.
Joseph smiles. “Ah, Married for a Day. How’s it going?”
I shrug. “Much as I expected.” Except it’s not. It’s both better and worse. Better because I can’t keep my mind off what an unexpected pleasure it’s been. Worse because, well...because I can’t keep my mind off it.
I like it too much.
That’s dangerous.
Joseph gives me a sympathetic look. “Not long now, sir. Things will get back to normal.”
I grimace. I’d rather not admit that’s what I’m most afraid of.
As I leave the meeting, I flick on my phone for the hundredth time, hoping for a message from Justine.
Stupid. Only, I can’t help wondering if she ended up attending the book launch and if it made her half so excited as it seemed it might this morning. That would be a sight to see.
Surreptitiously, I glance at the time on my computer screen. 3:45 pm. I could make it if I leave now.
Given the conversation we need to have tonight, I really ought to make sure she’s having a good time. I tell myself this a few more times just to be sure. It’s definitely not because I’d rather watch her enjoy her afternoon at the bookshop than do my work.