Ronan makes a thoughtful noise. “Sometimes it’s hard to make time for yourself.”
I smile a little to myself. Was that a glimpse of the real Ronan? “It is,” I agree. “Especially for someone who works as hard as you!”
I’m looking over his shoulder when we round a curve, and I spot a tiny patch of white sand that stands out starkly against the gray and brown of the rocky cliff. “Look!”
Ronan turns to look. “Sand!”
“Do you think that’s it?”
“Only one way to find out.”
He carries me all the way to flat ground and we find a tiny path leading down to the smallest beach I’ve ever seen. In fact I think you’d be hard pressed to even call it a beach. It’s more like a cave, only the wall facing the sea has been eroded to form a hollowed section where the waves splash violently against the rock. A few feet of sand is all that can find a foothold in such circumstances. I giggle. “That’s not what I had in mind when the card said kissing.”
Ronan snorts. “What did you have in mind?”
“Gentle lapping.” The words are out of my mouth before I can really think about them. I flush as soon as Ronan quirks his brow. I peep at him through my fingers. “Not like that!”
“Like what, Justine? I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Right. Because only one of my books would refer to oral sex as gentle lapping or kissing. Not an actual person. I’m sure Ronan isn’t into that, anyway. Guys don’t actually like going down, do they?
He clears his throat and sets me down. “Can you stand?”
My ankle is uncomfortable, but I won’t fall. I nod. Then I spot the card wedged into a crack in the rock. “Oh, here’s the clue. Shall I read it?”
“Go ahead.”
Why does it feel like he’s watching me more closely? I shake off the feeling, plucking the card from the rock and turning it to the right side.
“A thousand kisses steals my heart from me; And pay them at thy leisure, one by one.May as well start now, if you haven’t already.”
I stare up at Ronan. He’s staring back at me. “We’re supposed to kiss.”
There’s a long, awkward silence.
I’m just about to turn over the card and read the next clue when he strides forward. I’m off balance because of my foot—and, let’s face it, because of him. He almost bowls me off my feet, except his hand cups my face and the other is at the small of my back, holding me floating while his lips descend on mine. For the second time in two days, I’m completely lost in it. Wrapped up, absorbed by the sheer pleasure of kissing him. He’s possessive, commanding, but also sweetly sensual the way he moves his lips and tongue against mine. He is so much larger he should overwhelm me. Instead, his mouth goads mine, coaxing pleasure from me until I can’t help but respond. When he breaks away, I’m clinging to his shirt.
I let go as quick as I can, still a little dazed.
Ronan coughs and turns away. “Right. Well. That’s done. What’s next?”
Oh. I thought for a moment there...
Well, that was silly. Of course, a sophisticated billionaire like Ronan wouldn’t be swept away by a little kiss. He’s so good at it. Of course, he must kiss beautiful women and monsters all thetime! It’s only me who is still struggling to breathe in the wake of it.
We follow a series of clues around the small island. Ronan takes the lead, carrying me up and down, and does not complain the entire time. Held in his arms, I’m too flustered to talk much. My mind is on that kiss and the way it felt to be gathered up in his arms as if he was hungry for it.
Ronan lets me rest at the next stop for something to eat. My ankle is throbbing, but I don’t want to let on how much. It’s not like I’ve been doing anything beyond being a passenger this whole time. He must be tired.
Finally, the last clue leads us to a little wooden cottage at the center of the island. “Home is where the heart is, or perhaps you’ll find the clue to your spouse’s heart at home!” One glance at the map reveals there’s only one structure on Rottager. Heaven knows how anyone built anything here. Getting supplies here seems like mission impossible to me.
That must be why the place looks so dilapidated. There’s a hole in the corrugated iron roof and part of the window pane is missing. The little garden, which was probably once cute, is overgrown and ivy grows in through the broken glass.
We find the card stuck beneath a faded doormat.
“Let your names join the list of lovers and then your task is done,” I read.
“The last task. Thank fuck.” Ronan looks around. “What list?”