I turn back to the path. She’s not kidding. If there’s something to fall over, Justine will trip on it. If there’s a cup or glass on a table, she’ll invariably knock it.

Last night at dinner, she almost tipped her whole drink into my lap and I had to snatch it to keep it from falling.

I stride forward, trying to keep my irritation to a low boil. She’s even slower now. I can hear the shifting stones on the path at her every step.

We walk on in silence. I’m thinking about what I’m going to do about the bed situation tonight.

I’ve made it around the bend before I notice the sounds of her behind me have faded.

I look back, but can’t see her. “Justine?”

“Coming!” She scrambles around the corner, favoring her left foot. God damn it, she’s hurt herself.

I stride back up the path. “Are you hurt?”

“I’m fine.” She sucks in a breath when she puts weight on the injured ankle.

She’s clearly not fine, but she didn’t say anything about it. Why?

The answer is obvious: because she’s too scared of me.

With that twisting against my sternum, I stoop and lift her into my arms. She makes another high pitched noise and throws her arms around my neck.

“I’m fine. I can walk. Just give me a minute.”

I huff. “You’re not fine. I don’t need you making it worse by pretending to be alright. Now stop arguing.”

She goes silent, clinging on around my neck and cautiously laying her head on my shoulder.

I hurry down the path, trying not to think too hard about how nice it feels to have her in my arms like this.

I hope we find the next clue soon.

Physically, I could carry her all day. She weighs nothing.

I’m not so sure I could stay calm and collected if I do it, though. But I deserve this penance, don’t I? I deserve to suffer after I’ve grouched at her all day for something that’s my fault.

I make a silent vow to do better and not take my frustration out on her.



I can’t look Ronan in the eye all the way down the hill. For one thing we’re too close for comfort. Being snuggled against his broad, masculine chest makes me powerfully aware of his strength and the earthy, musky scent of him. For another, I can’t help remembering the last time we were this close and intimate, back in the spa. The memory has my cheeks blazing, and I’m certain he can read my dirty thoughts in my blush.

“Have you always been this fit?” I ask, just for something to fill the awkward silence.

I realize then, of course, while I’m not out of breath, he’s walking and carrying me, and probably doesn’t feel like talking.

When he answers, I’m surprised. “I used to go hiking with my dad. We went all over Australia and New Zealand in my gap year.” I can barely hear any strain in his voice from carrying me. “It’s been a long time, though.”

“I love New Zealand! My stepfather, Hamu, is from New Zealand and he took me and Mom there for vacation a few years ago. It’s beautiful. I’ve never been to Australia, though. I’ve always wanted to.”

I expect to lapse into silence again, but Ronan surprises me by continuing the conversation. “What about you? What do you like to do for exercise?”

I laugh. “I’m not good at many sports. I’m too clumsy. But I like swimming. There’s a pool nearby my house and I sometimes go there after work.” There’s a pause. “It’s been a while for me, too.”

Late nights at work have prevented me recently. I should get back to it.