“Just explain what you want us to do and we’ll get this over with hmm?”

Amy nods. “Right. Well we’re going to get you to play a little game of truth or dare. You’ll pick a card from the pile”—she indicates a pile of laminated cards by the side of the pool—“and pick a side: truth or dare. Then you’ll either answer a question or perform whatever task is assigned. We’ll ask viewers to take a poll about which cards they want to watch most and we’ll put the ones with the highest votes behind a paywall on our streaming service. We’ll air one of the juiciest ones and the rest of the lower voted ones so that encourages people to sign up to watch.”

“And we have to go through all the cards?” Ronan says in disbelief.

“That’s right.” The producer just nods again.

My pulse pounds in my throat and my stomach is full of knots, but no one is looking at me, and I’m not willing to do anything to draw any attention.

He lets out another heavy sigh and holds out his hand. “Give them to me. Let’s get this done.”

My cheeks are flaming. I knew this would be bad. I just didn’t know he’d make it quite so obvious how desperately annoying and unappealing he finds me.

The producer steps back and I stare down at the bubbles popping in front of me rather than over at Ronan.

“Move closer together,” someone says.

With a grunt, Ronan moves toward me and a slosh of water splashes over the edge of the spa.

I still can’t look at him.

He clears his throat. “I’ll start then.”

Someone hands me a glass of sparkling wine and I down half the glass in one swallow. God, I need this to be over.

“So according to the rules of this game,” Ronan begins, “We either both answer the question on this side of the card, or I flip it over and we do the action.”

“OK.” I take another long swallow of wine for good measure. My head buzzes faintly and I can’t tell if it’s from the alcohol or being so near Ronan while he’s wearing little more than briefs.

My god, he’s gorgeous. I sneak a glance at his broad shoulders and upper chest. Just a hint of flat gray nipple causes a little squeak to escape.

Under the water, I press my legs together, wishing my pussy wasn’t tingling with awareness.

He hasn’t noticed. He’s still looking at the card. “At least this one’s an easy one. Do you want kids? Ha! No.”

My gaze snaps up to his and my mouth drops open. “You don’t even have to think about it a little?”

“Nope. What about you?”

“I—I mean, I’m not sure. I don’t know. You mean that’s it? You’ve just decided?”

He chuckles. “Yeah. Believe me. Everyone’s better off if I don’t.”

He tosses the card behind him and reaches for the pile, offering it to me. “Your turn, I think.”

I’m still stunned as I pick up the card from the top of the pile. Why would he think everyone was better off? Does he think he’d be a bad father? I’m not sure he’s right. I mean he doesn’t even like me, yet he can be kind. I imagine he’d be very kind to a son or daughter he actually loved.

I look down at the card in my hand and nearly jump out of the pool.What is a sexual fantasy you’ve always wanted to try?

I can’t answer that! Not with Ronan sitting opposite me looking—like he looks. Not while we’re being filmed!

I swallow and flip the card over and my stomach dives.The wife sits in her husband’s lap.

Oh, God, oh, God. Sit in his lap? But that’s still infinitely better than talking about my sexual fantasies.

I fake a smile I do not feel. “Dare.” Before I can second guess myself, I stand.

Ronan is watching me warily as I step toward him. “Justine,” he mutters under his breath. “What are you doing?”