Please find attached the document we spoke about. I think you’ll really like my idea.
Asha Gupte
Her idea? What could it be? I shouldn’t. I know I shouldn’t.
I still do.
Clicking the attachment I stare in horror at the proposal. It’s a cost analysis of the network’s current programs. With a recommendation about which ones to cut.
At the top of Asha’s list of programs to cut is Married for a Day!
That cow!
I’m so outraged I don’t even notice anyone enter the office. It’s only when I hear the deep masculine sound of a throat clearing behind me I realize I’ve been busted. I step back from the computer so fast I’m off balance. The heel of my shoe catches on the carpet and I stumble back into a firm body. He grunts, trips, and somehow we both end up in the huge leather office chair, my ass nestled in his lap against a pair of thick thighs.
Really thick, really firm thighs.
“Where’s Asha?”
Oh, God. I know that voice. I cover my eyes with my hands, cheeks flaming hot under my fingertips. “She had an appointment,” I mumble.
There’s a pause. During the pause I’m hyper aware of every place our bodies touch. How warm and muscular the abs are where my back rests. How there’s a distinct bulge beneath my ass...
“Would you like to get off me now, Ms. Delany? And explain to me what just happened here?”
I leap up, brushing at my skirt. “I just—I.” God, is it possible I’ve actually self-combusted? I’m sure my cheeks are bright red. Curse of a redhead blushing at the drop of a hat. I smooth a hand over my unruly hair, which sticks out from the ponytail even more than usual after that little episode. “Asha had to go, and she sent me up to see if you need anything for the talk this afternoon.”
Up to this point, I’ve only dared to fix my eyes on his crisp white business shirt beneath the tailored blue suit he wears. Now I lift my gaze to the stern expression on his long face. His wide set brown eyes glare at me from beneath outrageously long dark lashes. The pale gray-white of his skin deepens to a darkershade over his brows and his wide black horns stretch out over his long bovine ears.
Monsters have been out for nearly five years now. There was even a monster who ran for mayor of Heartstone! A minotaur, just like Mr. Kernos.
That doesn’t stop me wanting to stare every time I meet one. Mr. Kernos might be my boss, and I might see him almost every day, but that does nothing to lessen the intense curiosity I feel about his species. OK abouthim.
I wonder if the rumors are true about what a minotaur is packing inside his specially tailored pants. Certainly felt like it from his lap.
“And so you thought you’d come up and check my emails for me?” He lifts one brow in a sardonic expression that shouldn’t have my panties in danger of flooding.
It definitely has me squirming.
“I’m so sorry, I just bumped the mouse and—”
“And accidentally clicked on that attachment...”
I lower my head. Oh, shit. I’m going to get fired.
Mr. Kernos sighs. “We’ll talk about this later. For now, go and fetch me a water, and have IT set up the projector. I’ll need you to keep time for me. Sit at the front and give me this signal after every ten minutes, and again at two twenty-five. I have a three o’clock meeting I can’t miss.”
“Yes, sir.” I hurry to the door. Maybe I got away with it?
“And Ms. Delany?”
I turn back, cringing. “Yes.”
“I want you back here in my office at four thirty. So we can talk about what happened here. Have you got that?”
“Yes sir.”