He turns toward the bedroom door, but I dart in front of him. “This is the part of the show that gets the best ratings! We have to do it.”
He scrubs a hand over his face and down his long nose. “I can’t believe I let you talk me into this.”
“It’s not so bad, is it? At least the room is nice.”
He gestures to the three cameras fixed in different corners of the room. “There are camera’s everywhere. I won’t be able to take a shit without it being on national television.”
I can’t help laughing. It’s a bad idea because it only makes his scowl deepen. “OK, but there are no camera crew. Besides, there aren’t any cameras in the bathroom, surely.”
“You sure about that?”
I open my mouth to reply I am sure, but actually the more I think about it, the more I’m doubting myself. I run back over all the seasons of Married for a Day I’ve watched, trying to remember if there were bathroom scenes.
Pressing my lips together, I walk around the bed and peek into the bathroom. Sure enough, there’s a camera in there, too. It faces the shower and sink, not the toilet, but still.
Ronan’s deep voice behind me makes me jump. “See?”
The sound rumbles down my spine and a shiver spreads across my body. I clear my throat. “OK, but they’re not filming us taking a—using it. It’s just in case we have an interesting conversation in here.” The bathroom suddenly feels very small with Ronan’s bulky body crowding behind me in the doorway.
He snorts. “Sure. Conversation. That’s what they’re hoping for.”
I’m glad he’s behind me, so he can’t see the blush creeping up my neck and onto my cheeks. Why, oh why did my mom have to pick a redhead for her first husband? “People don’t really do that, though,” I whisper, more to myself than to him. “It could be dangerous.”
I turn to find him staring at me and suddenly wish I had somewhere to hide.
Instead of answering me, he just turns away.
I’m left wondering if perhaps the kind of scenes I love to read about might be more real than my first and only boyfriend, Cameron, ever led me to believe.
“Well, who’s taking the bed?” Ronan’s returned to the foot of the bed.
I look around the room. There’s a single sofa chair in the corner, but it has wings I can tell instantly aren’t made for a minotaur with wide horns like Ronan. He’d never be able to sit in it, let alone sleep.
Other than that, there’s the hardwood floor.
I sigh. “You can have the bed.”
I think he’s going to be a gentleman and protest. Or say thank you, at least.
Instead he huffs a long puff of breath out his nostrils and flops onto the bed. “Fine.”
I stare for a long moment. It’s like he was just expecting me to offer him the bed, even though I’m female. I mean he’s my boss, for heaven’s sake! Of course, he expects me to take the chair.
I fling myself into the chair and tuck up my feet, hugging my knees into my chest.
It’s not that being female should have anything to do with it, I suppose. I mean, it’s a bit of an outdated concept. Only, it’s still something I’d kind of like from a guy I was actually going to marry.
Lucky I’m not really married to Ronan.
The thought circles round and round in my mind over the next forty minutes of silence.
Eventually, Ronan gets up and goes into the bathroom. I hear the water running and desperately try not picturing him naked and lathered in soap. What is wrong with me when he’s being such a grump that I’d even think about that?
I try to read my book, but even though things are steaming up between Rosaline and the Duke of Carlisle, I can’t concentrate. Do minotaurs have pubes? I spend far too long imagining the way his taut belly descends below his navel to the point where his cock juts out from his body. Only I can’t quite make myself picture his cock. Not really.
In my mind’s eye, I’m really picturing Cameron’s, the only cock I ever got... up close and personal with. And that’s not right. It’s also a bit of a disappointing image if I’m honest. I never said anything to Cameron, of course, but I’m not sure his ever really did much for me.