“Yes, sir. I’ll do that right away. Is there anything else?”
“No. Not for now. Thank you, Justine.”
I’m practically floating while I walk back to my desk. He noticed me. He noticed me and somehow, I didn’t annoy him. In fact he wants to keep me around. He trusted me with a confidential appointment.
I snatch my phone and text Courtney.
Justine: my treat for dinner tonight. I have news!
“What’s the hold up?” Ronan is pacing the wharf, glancing down at his phone every two seconds in the pale predawn light. All the street lamps are still on, and the sky is only just turning a foggy gray. Heartstone’s harbor is busy, even at this time of day, but the traffic is industrial. Goods being transported in and out of the city. Owners getting boats ready for commercial trips, and one lone ferry is making its way over from the north shore.
There’s no company car or taxi in the parking lot, even though Natasha the fitness instructor was due half an hour ago.
The casting director is standing a little way off. She swears audibly and scowls down at her tablet. Not a good sign.
Moments later, she walks over and holds it out for Mr. Kernos to see. I peek around his brawny arm.
I’m sorry. I can’t do it. My mom’s getting weird about the whole monster thing and it’s just not worth it.
“Fuck.” The whispered curse escapes my lips before I think too hard about where I am.
Mr. Kernos spins, giving me a scandalized look, as if he thinks I’ve never sworn in my life. I stifle a giggle behind my hand. This is no laughing matter.
“She’s canceled.” The casting director does not sound impressed.
“Who canceled?” Mr. Kernos is looking between us. “Who is Natasha?”
“Your wife,” I tell him.
“She’s not my—” He scrubs a large hand over his long face. “Not possible. Call her.”
“I tried. She’s not answering.” The casting director shoots me a desperate look.
I pull out my phone and find the number. “I’ll try.” My heart’s in my throat as the phone rings and rings and rings.
Nothing. “She’s still not answering.”
I hold it out to Mr. Kernos and he takes it. His thick fingers brushing mine sends a totally unnecessary shiver through me.
“Fuck.” He hands it back. “Fix it.”
I stare at him. What does he expect me to do? “I’ll call the other women I shortlisted. We’ll line something up for next week. There’s still time before we’re due to air.”
“No. I can’t put this off. It has to be now.”
I’m about to respond when the camerawoman walks down the ramp from the yacht. “Hey, what’s the hold up? We want as much daylight as we can get when we get out to the island, so we need to leave soon.”
Internally, I’m screaming. Just when things were going so well. Now, I’ve let him down in the worst way.
I give everyone my most reassuring smile. “I’m sure we can think of something.”
Ronan sighs. “What about you? You’re a woman. You’ll do.”