Then Asha calls.
“Hi, Justine. Listen, I know I’m supposed to come back next week, but I’ve actually been offered something else that was too good to turn down. I’m going to put in my two weeks’ notice with Mr. Kernos today. I’ll take the time as leave, so you’ll have tokeep standing in for me, until he finds someone new to be senior assistant.”
“Oh.” No suggestion that I might get the position as senior assistant. I guess that’s fair. Seems like I wouldn’t be Mr. Kernos’ first choice either.
“Yeah, well I just thought I’d let you know. He might be a little grumpy!”
My jaw drops. Oh, God. He’s going to fire me after all, isn’t he? Just as soon as he finds someone else. I’m bound to stuff something up and piss him off.
“Yeah. Thanks.”
We hang up and it’s only ten minutes before I get an email from Mr. Kernos.
Please come to my office for a quick chat.
R. Kernos
Oh, dear.
I brush sweaty palms over my thighs before I knock and enter. “Hello?”
He looks up from his screen. “Justine. Thank you for coming so quickly. You’re in the middle of working on clearing my schedule still?”
I sit in the chair in front of his desk and assume what’s fast becoming my customary position. I don’t want him to know how nervous I feel. It would probably annoy him. I wish I didn’t need to breathe. That will probably annoy him, too.
“Uh, yeah. I’m still working on a few meetings with people who haven’t got back to me yet, but I’m getting there.”
“Fine.” He folds his hands in front of him and looks at me. “I assume you heard the news about Asha.”
I nod. I’m still waiting for the penny to drop.
“Fine.” Again, silence falls for an agonizingly long moment, then he says, “I’m going to advertise both the senior and junior assistant position.”
I swallow around a lump and avert my eyes. Here it comes. Sooner than expected. I thought I was doing OK today.
“It’s clear that Asha didn’t give you the proper training, but in her absence you’ll be picking up a lot of the tasks she would have been doing, and I think it’s only fair to offer you the chance to apply.”
Wait. What? I lift my gaze and stare at him. He wants me to apply? For Asha’s job?
“Provided you’re interested, of course.”
“Oh, yes. Very interested!” I practically jump out of the seat before I can restrain myself. I cough. “I mean, yes. Thank you.”
I mean, I am, aren’t I? It would be silly not to go for a promotion. Only, won’t that mean more early mornings, and more chances to annoy Mr. Kernos?
Too late to call back the words, I sit and wait anxiously for his reaction.
He looks at me for a moment. “I need you to know that it’s not a sure thing. You’ll have to compete against any other applicants I get. But you have the advantage of a few weeks to really learn the job.”
I nod. “Yes, of course. I understand.”
“Now, I have another task for you when you’re finished clearing my schedule. There’s a medical appointment I need to follow up. I don’t think I’ll have a chance before we start filming, but see what you can do. I’ll send you the details. I’d like you to set that up for me as a high priority. And it should go without saying that it must remain confidential.”