“I’m just thinking of Ronan in the formal suit. He’ll be so hot.”

Lara, Ronan’s sister, snorts. “Let him suffer. He’s such an ogre making you wait so long. He deserves to sweat a bit.”

“Whatever you decide, I’m sure it will be lovely,” Dora says.

The sound of the door softly closing lets me know Ronan is home. “So you don’t have any preferences?” I ask them both.


“No. Whatever you want, dear. It’s your special day.”

I only realize I’m frowning when Ronan bends to kiss away the crease between my brows. “What’s wrong?” he mouths.

I shake my head and pull the phone away from my ear to cover the microphone. “Nothing, just wedding plans.”

With a huff, he moves to the cabinet, fetches a glass, fills it with water, and sets it in front of me.

“So we’ll see you next week for dinner?” Dora asks.

“We’ll be there. Ronan promised not to work too late.”

Ronan rolls his eyes. “Let me guess, my family.”

I make a face at him and he leans over the counter. Taking the phone, he sets it to speaker. “Mom? We’ll be there, OK? I promise. Now give Justine some peace—”

“You mean you want her to yourself?” His sister laughs. “We get it. We’re going. See you Thursday.”

Ronan hangs up and sets aside the phone, giving me the look.

I pretend I’m not squirming.

“Did you drink plenty of water today?”

I nod.

“And did you take care of yourself?”

I press my lips together around my smile.

“Justine.” His voice gets low and rumbly in warning.

I’m still grinning, though.

“How many times did you come today?”

I bite my lip.

“Oh, you bad girl. Why do I think you haven’t been taking care of yourself?”

I squeak when he grips my waist and lifts me onto the counter, spreading my legs.

His large head dips and his nose grazes against the seam of my pussy.

I shiver.

“You didn’t come at all, did you?” He growls. His nose presses more insistently against me. “You fucking didn’t.”

Yanking me down from the bench, he pulls me across to the nearby sofa, then he sits. “Panties off and over my knee, Justine. You know what happens when you’ve been bad.”