Not many people do.
She needs to know I understand what an entitled prick I’ve been. She needs to see it raw, unedited. She needs to know I’m sorry.
My phone is an explosion of messages from Joseph, from my new assistant, from my mother—shit! The media somehow got wind of my collapse and the trip in the ambulance and rumors are going wild. And that’s how she heard about it.
I send a hasty message to Mom and Dora, letting them know I’m alright. I’ll see them just as soon as I have one thing sorted.
I call Reggie, who produces the Morning Show, hoping he and Tabitha will take pity on me and give me another chance.
“So let me get this straight, Mr. Kernos, you’d like me to cancel with Sammy Garo tomorrow morning with less than twelve hours notice, when it took me months to get her agent to agree to her being on the show?”
My ear flicks in annoyance. “You heard me. Or blow off your garden doctor segment, or cooking with Chad or whatever his name is.”
Reggie splutters. “Cooking with Clemont is our most popular segment! And I’ve got thirty emails sitting in my inbox from people who want the garden doctor to tell them what’s wrong with their roses this year.”
I draw in a deep breath and let it out slowly. I’m not going to shout at him. I’m going to be nice because that’s what Justine would want. I’m also under strict doctor’s orders not to raise my blood pressure or put myself under undue stress until the new medication kicks in.
“Listen, Reggie, I know I’m a pain in your ass. I know I’m probably the most difficult boss in Heartstone. But this is my mate we’re talking about, and I’m pretty sure I already broke her heart. I’d like very much to give her the apology she deserves.”
“Ah, it’s like that, then.” After a moment of silence, Reggie lets out a long sigh. “I’m not standing in the way of that. Only, I’d just like it noted in writing somewhere that this was not my idea. You’re not going to like the way Tabitha handles this.”
I chuckle. “No, I’m sure I won’t. That’s the point. She’s one of the only people I think I can trust to tell it to me like it is. To tell it to everyone.”
“Oh, don’t worry about that, sir. She’s got that covered. I’ve worked with her for five years, and I’ve never known her not to go for the throat. Her wolf, you know.”
“I’m counting on it,” I tell him.
The gentle murmur of the TV greets me as I stagger out of my bedroom the next morning. I push my hair out of my face and give Courtney a nod. It’s is all I can manage before I’ve had tea.
“Hey, Just. Just, you’ve gotta see this.”
“Mhmm.” I drag my feet into the kitchen and put on the kettle. It’s Monday and I’ve got to face work on top of giving Ronan an answer to his proposal. An answer I don’t want to give.
“Just, are you listening? Look at this.”
I pour the water into my mug, remembering after the fact that I haven’t put in a teabag yet. “I’m swearing off TV forever,” I tell Courtney over my shoulder. “If I have to watch another clip of me running out of the Morning Show in tears, it’ll probably break me.”
“Well then, you’ll miss Tabitha tearing shreds off Ronan.” Courtney smirks.
“Excuse me, what? He’s still in hospital, for goodness sake. Can’t people leave him alone?” I might not be able to marry the guy, but I don’t like the idea of people kicking him when he’s down.
“Oh no, he’s not. He’s right there on the couch with Tabitha and the interview is about to start.”
Forgetting my tea, I hurry over to Courtney on the sofa. She pulls her fluffy-socked feet up out of the way to let me sit down.
I stare. Ronan looks only a little bit worn around the edges, smart blue suit neatly pressed, polished public smile in place.It’s only because I’ve gotten to know him so well I can tell it looks a little strained.
“What the heck?” I sit forward, perching on the edge of the cushion.
There’s a glint in Tabitha’s yellow-green eyes as she smiles at Ronan. “So I have to ask what on earth possessed you to come back on the show. I’m afraid you’re not the Morning Show’s favorite bachelor right now.”
This is emphasized by a loud boo from the audience.
Ronan shifts in his seat. “Ah, yes. I realize that. Quite fair, really. In fact, I had something of an epiphany yesterday, and I wanted to return and clear the air.”