“Where’d your pretty human go?” Boaz asks as we say farewell to the last of the guests who aren’t staying. Those who are have retired to various rooms, many of them already sleeping the sweet sleep of the spent. “I didn’t see her around after you fucked her.”
My shoulders slump. “She left.”
His brows furrow in concern. “Everything OK?”
I shrug. “I don’t know.”
He flicks off the porch light and checks the door. “Well she’s only one fish in the sea, right? Who else did you play with tonight?”
I’m silent. He usually has a better gauge on me than that.
Boaz looks around in surprise. “You didn’t? No one?”
I blow air out my nostrils. “Nope.”
I nod. “Yep.”
He puts his arm around me. “A human.” He shakes his head. “That’s tricky.”
“I know. I can’t help it, though. And you didn’t feel her cunt squeeze when I told her to come for me with everyone watching. She liked it!”
He gives me an affectionate squeeze. “You want company tonight?”
“No. Thanks. You’ve got a friend in your bed already.”
He shrugs. “Not a bond mate, though. And if you need me...”
“No. I’m OK. Go enjoy them. I need to come up with a plan to get Jade to see me again.”
“You think that human could be yours?”
This perks me up a bit. I lift my head as Boaz ascends the first few steps. “Maybe. Time will tell, but I have a good feeling.”
He grins. “Then don’t give up. Even if she’s human, if I know you, that won’t stop you. And we need to fill out this herd.”
I give him a mock salute. “I’m on it.”
He heads up the stairs and I creep through the living room doing one last check on everyone before I lock up. I look down at Knight and Sapphy cuddled up on one of the beds in the living area. Sapphy is tucked against Knight’s charcoal side, a lock of his deep indigo mane tickling her nose. I brush it away. Sapphy’s arm is sprawled out to the side and a pretty dryad is cuddled up with her head above Sapphy’s rounded belly.
I stop and pull a blanket up over them all, then bend down to press a kiss on Sapphy and Knight’s foreheads. They don’t even stir. Guess they had a good night.
I smile as I think of filling out the herd with my own bond mate. I’d love to have what Knight and Sapphy have. The herd bond is special, but nothing compares to a mate of your own. Someone to share with the herd and to share your bed at night.
My own bed is cold when I make it there. I flop on top of the covers with a sigh. Boaz is right. I’m not giving up, but persuading Jade to see me again could be harder than simply tracking her down.
Still, that’s the logical place to start. I will ask Sapphy about the escort agency in the morning. Surely, I can at least request a new booking.
“Mmm.” Sapphy stretches up on her hooves to place a lingering kiss on the lips of the tall dryad who slept with her last night. “You sure you don’t want breakfast?”
The dryad shakes her head. “It’s easier for me to go home. I doubt you’d have anything I can eat.”
I trudge through the kitchen with a nod to the dryad and straight to the coffee machine. I hold my mug and pour the coffee before tipping a good half a cup down my throat. When I turn, Sapphy and Knight are watching me with concerned expressions on their faces. Their friend has left.