I shake my head. “Nope. I’m not taking any more than I need. Pain is not a reason.”
He doesn’t argue. He knows I’ll take it if there’s any danger. I have taken a tiny amount every day since that day at the grove.
A tall, slender naiad meets as where the path passes between the trunks of two trees. “Welcome, Jade. We weren’t expecting you until next week. Is everything OK?”
“No! My water broke and I’m in labor, and I’m pretty sure it’s ten times worse than anyone ever told me.”
She smiles serenely. “Then let’s get you settled. Seems your baby is determined to come now.”
She leads us to the base of the largest tree in the grove, where pillows almost cover a mattress. I take off my shoes and put my toes in the dirt.
I never thought I’d be this person. The woman sitting naked in a forest, surrounded by magical monsters, giving birth like some kind of hippie out in nature.
When we were here last time, though, the nurses did some testing. Turns out my element is fire, so I need the earth to ground me or some shit.
All I know is as soon as my shoes are off and the cool earth touches my skin, I let out a long breath.
I still manage to snap at Stirling every ten seconds. He takes it all with his usual cheerful good humor, letting the flames lick over him without touching him at all.
When the tall naiad checks and tells me I’m already three and a half inches dilated, he grins. “You’re doing so good, babe.”
I growl. “Can I push yet? I’m so ready for this baby to come out already!”
Boaz holds a fresh cool towel to my forehead. “Not unless you want to drink a whole lot of alicorn while they stitch your pussy back together.”
“Not helping.” I scowl at him, too, but he just grins.
When another contraction leaves me gasping, I reach for both their hands.
“Thank you for putting up with me!”
Stirling frowns. “Don’t be silly.”
“I mean it. Thank you for not listening to my bullshi–ouch!”
Another contraction steals my words.
The naiad hurries back, checks between my legs and gives me a huge beaming smile. “You’re ready, Jade. You can push on the next contraction.”
“What?” Suddenly my confidence flees and I stare at Boaz and Stirling. “What if she’s wrong? What if I can’t do it?”
Sapphy’s ultra soft fingertips on my cheek comfort me. “You can do it, Jade. I know you can.”
I fix my eyes on her and draw in one final deep breath when I feel it start.
I bear down with all my might while the nurse and Stirling and Boaz encourage me to keep going. It hurts like hell.
Should it hurt this much?
Am I tearing?
Will my pussy ever be the same?
The contraction ends. I gasp and someone wipes my face with the cool cloth again.
“Again,” the nurse insists.