Jade leans her head back on my shoulder. “Mmm. I love your cock. Oh, fuck. She feels so good, but I love the way you fill me.”
I keep massaging her breasts, watching the way her body tenses ready for orgasm. Not quite making it over the edge. “You want me to fill you while she licks your clit, baby?”
Jade moans.
The siren pulls away for a moment and watches me lift Jade and gently pull her down over my swollen cock. I have to concentrate for a moment not to spill when her cunt squeezes me. Finally, I slide her all the way down until I’m in to the hilt.
“Oh, fuck.” She feels so good, I can’t do anything but breathe for a few seconds.
Then I choke out a curse when the curvy siren slips between our legs and licks with her wet tongue right over my balls and over the place where my body enters Jade.
Jade moans. Her body ripples around me.
I have to move. I can’t hold back.
Lifting her, I slide back on the sofa until I can thrust my hips and fuck up into her tight little pussy. Jade plants her hands back on my chest and rides my cock like she was made for it. I swear she was.
Her pussy milks me. My balls tighten.
I cling tight to her hips and hold on for all I’m worth.
Pleasure narrows in on my core and my balls.
I gasp when another onslaught of pussy licking brings us both right to the edge.
“Come yet, baby?” I ask, though I know the answer.
“Not yet!” She’s getting to the point where she’ll bite my head off if I stop, but I do it anyway.
Jade growls.
“My turn.”
I flip our positions and lay between her legs. I use two fingers to spread her long pussy lips wide and dive into my favorite place on earth. Jade is laying on her back and she beckons to our friend. “Come here.”
I look up to watch the siren settle over Jade’s mouth and I groan. My cock throbs at the sight of my bond mate eating pussy like she’s starving for it.
Her cunt contracts against my lips. My baby needs to come.
Twisting off my horn cap, I forget about who’s watching—who will see that I have so little horn left. The shape of it is perfect to give my baby exactly what she needs. I slide it through her wet folds and she curses.
“Fuck!” The sound is muffled by the siren’s pussy, but I know exactly what she means.
I laugh. “Soon, Gorgeous. I have you.”
Jade moans when I gently slide the horn cap into her tight little ass. I push until it’s stretching her nicely. Until I see her empty pussy clench.
Then very carefully, I notch myself at her cunt where she’s still waiting to be filled.
“Yes.” The siren raises clawed hands to pinch her nipples, her gaze locked intently on what I’m doing. “Oh, my god, you two are so fucking hot.”
I let out a low groan as I push home. Jade’s cunt gives enough to let me slide in a few inches. It’s so incredibly tight with the horn cap inside her ass I have to work my hips and nudge in slowly.
When she has me all the way, I lift her legs and wrap them around my hips. Careful of her swollen belly, I move.
Unable to talk with her mouth occupied, Jade reaches down and takes tight hold of my wrists.