I don’t waste any more time, quickly undressing and getting into the tub. Jade shifts from Boaz’s lap to mine and cuddles up against me. “I feel weird.”
She doesn’t say much more. I don’t push her. I just hold her, stroking my hand down her back over and over.
The nurse returns, holding a tray with a large cup and a straw. “Drink this,” she commands.
I help Jade to sit and feed her the drink bit by bit until she’s finished the whole lot.
By this point, Sapphy and Knight have brought baby Bliss into the glade and she’s shifted, trotting around exploring while Knight keeps a watchful eye on her.
Sapphy leans her chin on her arms on the side of the hot tub. “You’re doing well, Jade. it’s going to be alright.”
Jade just nods. Doesn’t even make a snide comment or anything.
I’m more worried than I know how to say, but I try to keep it to myself.
She’s listless, drifting in and out of sleep. I’ve never seen her so withdrawn and limp. I have to trust the nurses of the grove know what they’re doing, though.
When we finish the first cup, they bring another and another until Jade must have consumed more liquid than she would in three days. They keep bringing it out and I coax the straw into her mouth time after time until she’s pushing me away.
It’s when she pushes me away with more strength and actually succeeds in moving my hands that I start to feel better.
I shake my head. “No. Keep drinking. You need to keep drinking.”
She grumbles, but lets me bring the straw to her mouth and takes another long sip. Then she clutches her belly. “Something’s happening.”
Boaz leaps out of the water. Dripping and cursing, he calls the nurse who’s already running over. The younger naiad who first attended us arrives panting. “What is it?”
“Bad cramps.” Jade bends forward, still holding herself. I can see the tension in her skin as her rounded belly seems to ripple. I stare. Her belly looks bigger than before. It must be my imagination.
The nurse smiles. “That’s a good sign. A very good sign. Keep drinking.”
Jade groans, but she snatches the cup from my hands and drains the last of the liquid. We all hold our breaths. Then a tiny bump pokes from the side of Jade’s belly and she gives s shout. “A kick! Was that—?”
Sapphy leaps up with a cry and Boaz hugs the nurse who gives a little squeak.
I grin at Jade as she scowls into the water not meeting anyone’s gaze. “You did it.”
She looks up and there are tears in her eyes as she shakes her head. “You did. Not me.”
Then she flings herself into my arms and I am swamped with a tidal wave of water and my sobbing bond mate.
Eventually, she looks up. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her look so hesitant. She glances up at my forehead and winces. “But your horn.”
“I had to.” It’s the honest truth. There’s nothing I wouldn’t have done to help my bond mate and my foal. Not if it was in my power.
“But he’s not even yours.”
That stings a little until I remember she’s human. They don’t see things the way we do. I cup her cheek and try to put into words what I’m feeling. “He is mine. You’re herd. That means so is he. It’s a unicorn thing, but it’s more than that. Jade, I love you. Every part of you. Your grouchiness and your energy, and your bravery. I love the baby who is growing inside you and shares a little part of you. And I will always love you both. That deserves my everything.”
She slips her arms around my waist and presses her cheek against my heart. “You really meant all those words in the ceremony, huh?” She sniffs. “Well I did, too, and I love you, too. I’m sorry I let you down.”
I pull her back a little so I can look down at her face. “You haven’t let me down. You could never.”
She shakes her head. “What if you’ve used up all your alicorn and there are more babies who need it?”
I smile at her. “That’s why we’re a herd.” I see the realization dawn in her expression as I say the words.