Page 52 of Used By the Unicorn

I capture her hand and press a kiss to her palm as she finishes with the flower.

“It already is,” I whisper. Then I turn her to face Sapphy, Knight and Boaz who are waiting beside us in the water. “Today I accept Jade as my bond mate. Heart to my heart. I bring her to join with us as the sixth member of our herd.”

One by one, they bend and scoop the silt from the riverbed and paint their circle over Jade’s heart then wash it off. Sapphy hands baby Bliss to Knight as she collects her mud, then takes the baby’s hand and smears it through the mud and onto Jade’s breast right above her own mark.

When they’re finished, it’s my turn. I have to clear my throat and force my voice to cooperate so I’ll speak the words clearly. “Heart to my heart, earth to my roots. Water to my soil. I’m so blessed to have you as my bond mate and in my herd. I promise to treasure you always.”

Before she can protest, I scoop her into my arms and into a huge hug.

We’re all a bit tearful when we wade out of the river and onto the bank into more hugs and kisses and congratulations. It takes an age to get to everyone and I can sense Jade getting edgy before we’re done. She doesn’t say a word, though. Nor does she shy away from hugging each and every one of the extended herd who’ve come to be a part of today.

I’m so proud of her.

She looks radiant. Wearing only the white flowers in her aqua hair and a glowing smile, she acts as comfortable as if she’s been a unicorn all her life. To her credit, her friend, Kalli doesn’t seem fazed by any of it, either.

Maybe Sapphy’s right. Maybe humans are less close-minded these days.

I watch anxiously when Kalli’s boyfriend Rin steps close to Jade. He lowers his head and takes her hands, speaking in a low, earnest voice. “Kalli tells me it will make you uncomfortable, but I insisted on doing it anyway—”

Kalli rolls her eyes and cuts him off with a smile. “He really did. Please tell me if you think it’s too much.”

“Humans.” Rin sighs. “I want to make you a gift of some money to set you up with your new family. Only, Kalli tells me I cannot give you so much that you quit your job because she doesn’t know what she’d do without you.”

“You really don’t have to do that.”

“As I said. I insist. I have had Kalli deposit it into the account you nominated for your pay. I’m sorry. That’s inelegant. But—”

A quiet voice behind us makes us all turn. “I’m so sorry to interrupt, love.” It’s Sapphy’s mother. She has her arm on Jade’s shoulder. “But are you OK? You’re bleeding.”

I toss my mane in shock. How is it possible I didn’t notice?

Then my world centers on the trickle of blood running down the inside of Jade’s perfect thigh.


My vision swirls in a whirlpool down a sinkhole of despair when I realize what it means.



“Everything will be OK.” Despite his optimistic words, Stirling still scoops me off my feet and trots toward the car. “You’ve been taking the alicorn, haven’t you?”

“Ah...” I hesitate. Now feels like the wrong time to admit to him I skipped a few doses. OK, more than a few.

I felt so guilty taking it when everything was going well. What if we need it later? More importantly, what if the herd needs it? I’m not even a real unicorn. If I was, I’d be able to make alicorn to give back to the herd when there are more foals on the way. So, I thought of saving some as my way of giving back. Being a good herd mate.

How stupid do I feel now?

My belly cramps again and I pinch my lips together, refusing to cry out. As if not acknowledging the pain will make it go away.

I’m only being dramatic, anyway. The only reason the pain would suddenly get worse after someone told me I was bleeding is because it’s just in my head anyway, right? This is all in my head, and soon someone will tell me this is just another delightful side effect of pregnancy I’ve never heard of before.

Another cramp makes me wince and Stirling sets me down by the car with a frown on his face. “Jade?”

“I didn’t think I needed it.” I can’t meet his gaze. His worried, sorrowful expression. He always sees the world through rose-colored glasses. I don’t know what to do if Stirling isn’t sure things will work out.

He tries to bundle me into the car, but I stop him. “I need clothes. We have to go to the hospital.”