Stirling squeezes my shoulder. “It’s mine.”
Carston stares. His eyes bug out of his head they get so wide. “Whaaa—”
Boaz clears his throat. “And mine.”
“And mine,” Knight’s low voice comes from the top of the stairs.
“What the—”
“And mine,” Sapphy calls.
“OK, I don’t know what sort of monster fucker bullshi—”
“You need to stop right there.” I plant my hands on my hips. “I am a monster fucker now. And I’d never go back.”
I give him a look that lets him know I’m remembering exactly how sad and pathetic his cock is in comparison with my herd.
“No one will ever make me feel bad about that. Most especially you. This ismybaby and if you ever do anything to try to fuck with that, so help me I will find a way to make your life a misery.”
Carston’s mouth drops open. He stares at me for what feels like a full minute without saying anything.
“Now get out of here before I phone your cousin and tell him who was responsible for the tools that went missing from his garage all those years ago.”
Carston’s jaw snaps shut and he straightens. “I never—”
“Tell Dar that.”
I’m kinda proud I’ve made him mute. He turns and stumbles down the drive and out of my life. Hopefully for good this time.
I spin and bury my face in Stirling’s fuzzy chest.
“My little dynamite. You did not need any of us at all, did you?”
I don’t even lift my head from his chest. “I might not need y’all to help me chew him out, but I sure as hell could use a hug.”
Within moments, I’m ensconced in a group hug four unicorns deep.
“I’m just glad I was there to witness that,” Boaz says. “You were something else.”
We traipse into the kitchen and Knight makes us all hot cocoa. We play with baby Bliss until she’s rubbing at her eyes and snuggling against Sapphy’s chest.
When I snuggle back under the covers with Stirling again, I’m not even thinking about Carston. I’m thinking about how much I love being a part of this herd and how I can’t imagine life without them.
“OK, but you really don’t have to come if you don’t want to see my snatch.” Jade walks into the room, hair still wet from the shower and dripping in little droplets onto her nose. Her rounded belly protrudes a little more each day and makes my hands itch to stroke it.
She listens to whatever the person on the phone call says, an adorable little frown line creasing the space between her brows.
She snorts. “Welp, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
She hangs up, snagging my bagel from the toaster before I can get to it and giving me a cheeky grin that sets my loins on fire.
“Hey!” I protest, but I’d have given it to her happily. She knows it.
She takes a large mouthful in my face for dramatic effect. I grin at the little crumb that I get to brush from her lip.