“Stirling. What are you doing? Come here.” She pats the sofa.
I reluctantly go sit next to her. I’m not relaxed, though. I’m already thinking about what else I can do to make this a special weekend in.
“Hey.” She tugs on my braided mane. “What’s going on up there in that head of yours?”
I sigh. “I got busy this week and I didn’t plan anything special. But don’t you worry. I’m on it.”
Jade laughs. “You dork. You don’t have to plan anything. It’s your weekend off too.”
I eye her. “Are you joking?”
She snorts. “No. Am I really that much of a diva?”
I hesitate and she glowers. “Not a diva. Just worth making effort for is all. And I promised I’d make sure you keep wanting me.”
Her expression softens and she climbs in my lap, planting a soft kiss on my cheek. “Stirling. You do make sure of it.Every damn day. You don’t have to do anything special. Just be yourself.”
My heart is tripping over itself in my chest, but I’m not dumb enough to spoil this moment by saying anything. I wrap my arms around her and squeeze her tight.
“I’m not saying no to a foot rub, though. I’m not crazy.”
I laugh and flip us so she’s under me on the couch. “Coming right up. You say the word and it’s yours.”
Jade lifts her hands and places one on either side of my face. “Stirling. Relax, OK? I’m not going anywhere. You’re my herd.”
My throat gets very tight and I can’t stop the grin that spreads across my face. It’s probably too soon to start planning the ceremony, but that doesn’t stop me dreaming about it. Now if I can just find a way to bring it up with Jade in a way that won’t freak her out.
Sapphy, Knight and Boaz trickle in and join us on the couch while we watch re-runs of Married for a Day and Jade points out why she’d never pick any of the people on the show and Boaz tries to goad her into admitting why they’re good candidates.
It feels cozy. Right. And after a while I do relax. Because if there’s one thing I know about Jade, it’s that she wouldn’t say it if she didn’t mean it.
Maybe it really was as simple as I hoped it’d be. I hug her a little tighter and press a kiss to the top of her head.
“What was that for?” She looks up at me with a smile.
“Just for being you. Don’t ever stop OK?”
I tug at the waistband of the stretchy jeans I bought two months ago, but it’s no use. There’s no way they’re going over my belly. I’m sweating by the time I realize this, so I pull them off with a huff. Too hot for jeans anyway. What was I thinking?
I guess today is the day I finally have to admit for real that I’ve got a baby bump too big to hide. Coincidentally, today is also the day I’ve arranged to take Kalli for coffee and tell her my news.
I’m glad when I arrive at the cafe early and I’m able to slide into the booth seat before she arrives. When I see her in the doorway, I wave. I don’t get up to hug her like I normally would. This is probably stupid. I probably have no need to worry. Kalli’s my friend, after all. Not just my boss. I don’t think she’s going to be mad I haven’t told her yet.
Well, not too mad, anyway.
I pat my pocket where the invitation in the pretty gold-embossed envelope sits hidden. I’m a big fan of this dress already. It’s flowy and it’s going to fit me even when my bump gets really huge. It even has pockets.
When my phone buzzes, I look, expecting a message from Kalli to say she’s on her way.
It’s Stirling. I open the message to find a video clip of Bliss.
Stirling: STG this kid is a genius. She’s already rolled over!
Sure enough, little Bliss is on her belly, her little face screwed up in frustration. All of a sudden she tips to the right and ends up on her back staring up at the camera.