It’s the feeling of things being so right it should scare me. So right I can’t imagine ever coming down from this high.
I sigh and snuggle against him, giving myself up to it completely.
Before long, I’m back to sleep, not caring that I’m sticky and sweaty. Not caring about anything but this.
I lean against the side of my van to pull out my phone and text Jade. I’ve got one more delivery left for the day and then I get to go home to her. To my herd.
Stirling: It’s Friyay. What are we doing this weekend?
Jade: You’re a dork, u know that right?
Stirling: your dork ;)
I can picture the scowl on her face as she tries hard not to laugh at my stupid jokes. God I love the way she pretends to hate it, but not so secretly loves it.
I drain the last of my coffee and I’m about to jump back in the van, when Jade sends a message.
Jade: what did u have in mind?
I hesitate. Last weekend we all went camping out at the property and spent a good long time naked in nature. The weekend before we hosted another party. Smaller than the one we met at, but big enough to involve a fair bit of scrambling to plan at the last minute. Only I need to make sure she’s happy. I need this to be enough for her.
I don’t have a good enough answer yet, so I don’t reply straight away. Instead I start the engine and take off, heading for my final drop off. I’m chatting to the goblin collecting the order at my last pharmacy, when Jade’s next message comes through. I panic a bit. I still haven’t thought of anything that will top the last two weekends.
“Everything OK?” I don’t know Ghallast very well, but he’s a friendly guy. We always have a good chat over a delivery.
I sigh. “You got a mate?”
He grins. “Sure do. Don’t tell me you’ve got problems with the missus.” He frowns. “Oh, ah, or mister. Actually unicorns have a whole lot of mates, right? Geez. Now I see what’s with the long face.”
I can’t even muster a half hearted laugh at his terrible joke. And I normally love a bad joke. “It’s not exactly a problem. Not yet.”
“Oh man.” He scratches his round belly under his shirt. “What did you do?”
“Nothing. Not yet anyway. Only I haven’t planned anything for the weekend and I’m worried she’ll think I’m boring.”
My goblin friend chuckles. “New relationship, huh? Well I remember those days. Don’t worry. You’ll soon settle into your comfortable groove. Like a nice dip in the sofa from where your ass goes every night.”
I grimace. That’s not what I want life with Jade to be like. I can’t help thinking about what he said as I climb back in the van and head for home. It’s too soon for things to be settling into a groove, isn’t it?
She greets me almost as soon as I get in the door, slipping her arms around my waist and laying her head on my chest. I try to hug her like I normally would and disguise the way my mind is uncharacteristically full of worry.
Jade pulls back and looks up at me. “Would you be disappointed if we had a weekend in? I’d kinda like to just hang out.”
I grin. I’d like nothing more. I don’t need anything beyond the four walls of the herd house if she’s here too. The last month has been next level, don’t get me wrong. But this is exactly what I need.
“Absolutely. You got it.” I lead her to the couch and have her sit. Then I pull up the ottoman so she can put her feet up. She’s been at work all day after all.
“Where are you going?” she calls as I stand.
“Are you hungry? Let me get you a snack. If we’re staying in we can binge watch your favorite TV shows and I’ll get you whatever you want to eat. Aren’t there supposed to be pregnancy cravings? Have you got any?”
I snap my fingers when I remember we have a whole unopened bag of salt and pepper crisps in the cupboard. I know she could put away a whole bag of those given about two minutes.
When I trot back into the loungeroom, it occurs to me that I could give her a foot massage. I’m about to go get the basin when she stops me.