Sapphy’s voice from the top of the stairs makes us all turn to look. “I have the bag—” She sucks in a breath and clutches at her belly.
Knight rushes up the stairs again. “Let me take that. In fact, let me carry you. The others can get the bag.”
“Don’t be silly.” She brushes him away and starts walking slowly and deliberately down the stairs.
Knight scoops her up mid-step and hurries her down to the garage. I race up the stairs, snatch the bag, and I’m in step right behind him when I realize Jade is still waiting at the bottom of the stairs.
“Come on.”
She gives me a look, and I wonder for a moment if she’ll refuse. After all, she never asked for any of this.
Instead, she hurries after me and Boaz brings up the rear. We all pile into the backseat of Knight’s car, even though it’s asquash. In the passenger seat, Sapphy is audibly panting, but I can’t hear her crying or moaning, or in distress.
“What happened?” I ask her. “Are you in labor?”
“Yeah. Least I hope that’s what this—” She breaks off and now she is groaning.
“Hurry!” I shout at Knight, though he is already screaming around corners and speeding through intersections.
Next to me on the seat, Jade grips my hand. Her little hand in mine is sweaty and she clings on tight, not saying a word. I wonder if she’s thinking of her own pregnancy. That thought sobers me a little. She needs me to stay calm here. They all do.
This is fine.
Women do this all the time.
I’m once again in awe of their ability to create life. I force down that and my fear, and worry something will go wrong. We packed extra alicorn just in case. We’re ready.
From the front seat, Sapphy groans and my heart rate kicks up to a gallop again.
Jade tugs on my sleeve. “Where’s he going?” she hisses. “Hospital’s that way.” She jerks her head to the slip road leading south.
I shake my head. “We’re not going to the hospital. We’re going to the grove.”
Her brows furrow. “The grove?”
“You’ll see.” I squeeze her hand just as Knight turns onto the road leading toward the hills to the south of town. We’re thrown against the sides of the car as the road becomes windy.
Sapphy groans.
“Sorry.” Knight slows the car and we sit in tense silence apart from Sapphy’s heavy breathing and the sounds of the tires eating up the tarmac.
I feel the presence of the grove before the car has even stopped. Suddenly, the trees around us tower high into the skyand my body relaxes. It’s like a thick heavy blanket tucked around us all.
“What is this place?” Jade’s voice is almost a whisper. She’s staring out the window of the car as Knight pulls into a parking spot.
“A place where magic energy accumulates. It’s a special place for birthing and healing.”
“In the middle of the city?”
I shrug. “Humans can’t see it. Unless they’re with a monster.”
Sapphy sighs. Her panting has slowed.
We’re all calmer by the time Boaz is helping her from the car.
A naiad wearing a long white gown greets us at the entrance to the path. “Welcome. Please leave all heavy metals with your vehicle. They’re prohibited inside the grove. Do you need mobility assistance?”
“No.” Scowling, Knight scoops Sapphy up once again.