Page 35 of Used By the Unicorn

I glance down quickly to make sure Jade is still asleep. “Shut up, you ass. It’s too soon. You saw how flighty she was the other day.”

Boaz scoffs and turns back to the road. “I’m laying my bet that she’s in before the end of the month.”

I shake my head. I wish it was that simple. There’s clearly more about her past Jade hasn’t told me. I’m so grateful she chose to let me in at all. I’m smart enough to know she’s not the kind of woman you can rush.

She has to come to this in her own time. When she does, I’ll be here. I’m not going anywhere.

She wakes when we reach the suburbs. When the car slows down, she inhales and sits, rubbing her eyes.

“Gonna have to feed you up,” Boaz says. “We’ll need to do something about your stamina if you’re going to join the herd.”

I can practically see the retort about to spill from her lips, only her phone rings and she’s distracted.

Jade’s brows crease as she looks down at the screen and she shoves it back into her pocket without answering.

I don’t like that. Not one bit. I don’t like the way her body tenses, all that lovely post orgasmic bliss disappearing in an instant. “Everything OK?” I murmur.

“Yeah.” She looks away, out the window on her side of the car. I can already feel her pulling away from me even though she hasn’t moved.

Thankfully, Boaz finally takes the hint and shuts up. We ride the rest of the way to the house in silence.

When we arrive, Boaz parks in the garage and I get out, holding the door open for Jade. I expect her to say no, but I ask anyway. “Do you want to stay?”

She surprises me. “Yeah. Can I? I’m not quite ready to go home.”

All of a sudden, I’m nervous and full of awkward excitement and hope. Maybe Boaz was right after all.

“Are you hungry? Can I get you something? You want a drink? A shower?”

She laughs. “I could murder a sandwich right now.”

“I’m in charge of sandwiches in this house,” Boaz cuts in.

I nod. “It’s true. He makes a mean ALT.”

“AL... oh, right, because you’re vegetarian. Well that sounds good. Not gonna lie though, I love bacon.”

“I’ll get bacon for you next time.” The words slip out before I have time to wonder if even that is too much commitment.

She smiles, though, and I relax a little.

“I’ll get right on it.” Boaz heads for the kitchen and I linger with Jade in the hallway. I want to take her to bed and hold her,and let her sleep in my arms some more. It’s only five pm, so that’s a bit ridiculous.

She lowers her voice and there’s a subtle shift in the mood between us. “Stirling?”



Knight bursts in through the front door and gestures wildly. “I think it’s time. It’s time. I think she’s coming. Fuck. Get the bag!”

My eyes widen and I’m instantly on alert. I don’t think the guy has said that many words together in a long time. Then I realize what he’s talking about. Sapphy!

“Oh, my god!” Jade shakes me. “Is she having the baby now? What do we do?”

I glance around wild-eyed. I’m not even sure what I’m looking for.

Boaz rushes in. “Did I just hear what I think I heard?”