Sapphy nudges me. “Gotta undress to shift. Or we’ll rip our clothes.”
“Oh, right.” He’s not stripping down so we can have a big outdoors fuck fest. We’re really going for a run. I try not to seem too disappointed.
Still, I’m not going to be the only one clothed when everyone else is naked. I love the feeling of the sun and air on my skin. So, I drop my clothes in a pile with the others.
Then I go back to watching Boaz, unashamedly perving on his thick body and perky ass. Something in the air around him stirs. I can’t pinpoint where the change starts. All of a sudden, his skin ripples and his body grows until it’s not a humanoid creature standing in front of me on two legs. Instead, a stocky horse tosses his mane and stamps the ground. At least, he looks like a horse at first glance. But of course, there are differences. His legs are feathered with great tufts of hair growing above his hooves. His tail isn’t like a horse either. Just like in his humanoid form, it looks more like a lion’s, with a thin length and a tufted end. And there’s the single horn growing from his forehead. Boaz snorts and lifts his head to look at me. I stare back. He’s gorgeous. Not the sexy, alluring appeal of his humanoid form, but a raw, pure beauty that makes me long to see him in motion.
When I look away, I find the others have shifted. All except Stirling, who approaches me. “Once I shift we can’t talk,” he tells me. “Will you ride me? You don’t have to, but if not...”
He doesn’t have to explain. There’s no way I could keep up with them like this if they are running—or galloping.
I nod. I mean to make a joke, but the only thing I say is, “yeah.”
He steps back. He’s already naked and as I watch, he transforms. I stare in wonder. The unicorn in front of me is taller than Boaz, just as he is in his humanoid form. The same gray-green dapples that covered his shoulders and ass speckle his coat in equine form, and his mane is the same brilliant blue.
Stirling lowers his nose and nudges my hand. That’s all the encouragement I need. I run my fingers up his neck and over his sleek shoulder. He lets out a great huff of warm air. Then he nudges me around to his flank. Lifting one rear leg, he presents a sort of step to help me climb on. I’m grateful. I’d never make it up there without help.
I place my foot onto his leg and grab his mane. I pause and wonder if it will hurt him, but he makes no complaint. I scramble onto his back, trying to find the best place to cling on. I’m not very experienced with riding, but I grip tight with my thighs and try not to freak out.
That lasts about two seconds. Stirling takes off and I almost slip from his back. I hold on for dear life as he leaps forward, but I didn’t have to worry. After a moment, I open my eyes, safe and secure. By some miracle, I’m holding my seat. Maybe it’s magic. They are unicorns after all.
After that, I relax and enjoy it.
The herd gallops along the fence line for a while. When we reach a clearing, they break out, picking up speed and flying across the grass with an exhilarating rumble of hooves. I lean lower against Stirling’s neck and feel the way his body moves.My body moves with him as if I’ve been doing this half my life. The ground flashes by like a sped up video. Too quick to take in anything but the energy and speed.
I let out a long whoop of delight when Stirling leaps a fence on the far side of the field. We head uphill, ducking and darting through trees. He dashes around rocks and I lose sight of the others.
A snort of breath draws my attention to our right.
Boaz is drawing close, head down and muscles straining as he hurries to catch up. Stirling twists his head and spots him, too. It spurs him on. We crest the hill together. Then, I have one lurching, horrifying moment when I see how steep the slope is on the other side. Steep and rocky, and covered in spindly trees.
Then we’re hurtling down the other side.
I scream. Throwing my arms around Stirling’s thick neck, I cling on as the branches and scrub rushes past. I feel like, at any moment, he’s going to stumble and tip me off.
I should never have doubted him.
We thunder down the slope, catching Boaz and pushing ahead.
By the time we reach the bottom, I’m laughing and leaning forward, urging him on.
When the slope flattens, he slows, breathing hard.
We finally come to a stop where a rocky path between two clumps of trees leads down to a muddy riverbank.
Boaz trots over, snorting a big puff of hot air as he nudges Stirling’s side and bumping my leg as well. Sapphy and Knight arrive a few moments later at a more sedate pace.
Everyone seems to be waiting. There’s an unspoken question in the air. I slide cautiously from Stirling’s back.
The herd transforms back to their humanoid forms. I’m struck all over again by their raw sexual energy and beauty. Theyare sleek and sweaty and muscular. Even Sapphy, who is heavily pregnant, looks strong and lithe.
“Come for a swim with us,” she calls, turning down the path to the river.
Stirling lingers behind as the others make their way into the water. “If you don’t want to play, I’ll wait here with you,” he tells me. “I don’t think I could bathe with you without wanting to make you come, though.”
My pussy tingles with awareness at his words. I’m not sure I could hold back either. Not if they’re all playing. I’m not sure I want to. Stirling’s cock is already half hard, the length thickening against his thigh.
I lick my lips.