I shake my head. “Nah, not unless Rin lets Kalli out for the night.” I give Kalli the side-eye.

Kalli snorts. “Nope. My escorting days are over, but you go have fun. If you’re nice to me, I won’t even tell Rin you suggested that.”

I laugh. I adore how possessive Rin is of Kalli. The guy would have a hernia if he even thought she was attending an event like that now. I know he used to eat people and all, but I can’t find him scary after seeing how much he dotes on my boss. “Yeah, your demon boyfriend doesn’t scare me,” I tell her.

“Well, that’s good,” Sofia says. “You might have a promising career in monster escorting ahead of you.”

I smile. “Call me crazy, but a whole herd of unicorns sounds like the sort of challenge I live for.”



The house looks amazing. We hung fairy lights and filled the living room with cushions and sofas and fold out beds. The place is spotless. I know. I spent most of the day cleaning!

I finish the last braid in my long blue mane and tie it off, then run a brush over my shoulders to make sure my coat looks shiny. It’s not as thick in my two-legged form, but in the dim light, my blue-green coat looks glossy gray. I admire the new silver cap on my horn, a symbol I’m now a member of a herd.

“The escorts are here,” Boaz calls from downstairs.

I hurry down to find him craning his neck to look through the glass windows at the side of our front door.

My herd mate is shorter than I am and stockier. His reddish-brown mane is cropped so that it sticks straight out. His broad smile hints at how excited he is. This is the first time we’ve hosted as a herd. Of course, I’ve attended other parties, but it hits different when you’re hosting.

“Oh, look out.” Boaz nudges me. “Look at that human. She’s exactly your type.”

I know exactly who he’s talking about. A taxi has stopped in the drive, and three human women climb out and I can’t help staring, too.

The blonde and the brunette are pretty enough. Sapphy chose well, as I knew she would. That’s why we left the escorts to her.

The third woman catches my eye, though. She’s short and curvy. Her bright green hair is cut in a short, curly styleand brushed to the side exposing a close-cropped section that highlights her high cheekbones and full lips. The way she moves really grabs me. Full of confidence, her head is up and shoulders back. She immediately steps to the front of the group and heads toward the door.

Boaz is right. I’m in trouble tonight.

Chin up, she strides toward the door. When she catches us watching, she does a little twirl as Boaz opens the door.

“I hope you like what you see,” she says instantly, before either of us can speak. “I’m Jade. We’re the escorts you ordered from Monstrous Deals. Which one of you is Sapphy?”

The two other humans come up the drive behind her and seem quite content to let her do the talking. They smile and shake our hands, and we lead them all into the generous living space rearranged for the festivities. Boaz and I brought extra couches and bedding in and everything has been covered with specially made splash-proof covers. Condoms, toys and lubricant are stashed around the room and stations with food and drink are all set up.

Jade is looking around at everything.

Sapphy and Knight make their entrance, descending down the staircase hand in hand. Sapphy’s visible bump looks amazing under a form-fitting sparkly gold dress, her pure white coat and golden mane neatly brushed and practically glowing. Knight can hardly take his eyes from his bond mate, and I can’t blame him.

Sapphy quickly moves forward to greet the escorts. “Hi, ladies, I’m Sapphy, and this is Knight, Boaz, and Stirling. We’re expecting seven more escorts to join us shortly and our guests will begin to arrive in about half an hour. There’s a room to your right where you can change and leave your things securely, and then I’ll give you a run down of what we’re expecting. Do you have any questions before we get started?”

Jade clears her throat. “Actually, I do have a question. I was told we wouldn’t be expected to play, but we can if we want, is that right?”

My ears prick up at this. So she wants to play?

Sapphy smiles. “Sure. We expect our guests to behave. No means no, no matter who says it or for what reason. But if someone asks, and you want to say yes, then that’s completely up to you.”

Jade gives Sapphy a wide smile and my herd sister leads the women away to get changed. As she passes me, her gaze lingers, darting down and back up my body in a way that has my tail flicking. “I hope someone asks me, then.”

Yeah, I’m definitely going to be distracted tonight.

I snort a long breath out my nostrils and head back to the kitchen to put the finishing touches on the rest of the hors d'oeuvres and try to focus.

All I can think about, though, is what kind of sexy outfit Jade has brought to wear. All the escorts were asked to bring something skimpy. I can’t wait to see what she chose.