I consider. “Yes, to an extent. Like Boaz said, there’s no expectations. Any herd member can say no if they feel like it. But it’s more fun the more of us are involved. Even if some people are only watching.”
She nods slowly. “And if I say I only want to play with Boaz...?”
My stomach lurches at the suggestion she doesn’t want me. Yet, I want her to feel comfortable with my herd mates. “Is that what you want?” I can’t help the hint of obvious disappointment in my tone.
“No, silly. I just wanted to see what you’d say. You really are all about this sharing thing, huh?”
I nod, not trusting my voice.
All of a sudden, something changes. Something snaps. Jade climbs into my lap and stuns me, wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me.
I have to admit, I lose myself in it for a long time.
It’s everything I’ve wanted since the night I met her. Everything I remember, too—the sweetness, the drugging pleasure of her body against mine, and her taste. She’s so small. Yet, the commanding way she kisses me leaves me no doubt she will hold her own in any pairing, in any situation. Just like she did that first night with a room full of people as her audience while she took my huge cock.
My herd mates are waiting. I don’t want to disappoint them. I also don’t want to push Jade to do something she’s not ready for.
I pull away, voice lower and more gravelly than a moment ago. “What do you want, Jade? Tell me.”
Leaning in again, she takes my lower lip between her teeth in a bite that turns into kisses afterward. “You.”
My cock throbs between her thighs. She responds by grinding over me.
I groan.
“And Boaz.”
Fuck. My cock is pressing angrily against the seam of my pants now, wanting to sink home into her pussy. It’s so fucking close.
“The others?”
She chews her lip. “Not yet. Let me take this one step at a time. I know we fucked in front of lots of people last time, but that felt different.”
I nod. “Absolutely. I can’t tell you how much I’ve wanted this. How much this means.”
She shushes me with a hand over my mouth. “It means we’re friends. You said yourself that unicorns play with lots of others. This doesn’t mean we’re bond mates.”
I won’t deny her words sting a little. I’ve felt so sure for so long. But this is still a huge step forward.
I nod and she releases my mouth. “I understand. No promises except that I’m not giving up. Not yet.”
Not in a million years. She could reject me every day for the rest of our lives and I think I’d keep chasing. She’ll feel it someday. I know she will. She just needs to trust me more.
Stirling’s huge cock pulses between us as he kisses me again. This time he takes control of the kiss, demanding from me, gripping my hips, and rocking me against him.
I’m sizzling with energy when he lets me go.
“If you want Boaz, we’ll have to go find him. Are you ready?”
I’m of two minds. I debate staying right here and fucking Stirling on the sofa. It would feel so good to unfasten his pants, take out his cock, and sink down over him. But the temptation of having another cock to play with—of watching Stirling and Boaz together—decides me.
“Let’s do this.” I slide off his lap and he stands, taking my hand and leading me up the stairs. The house is large. It has to be, I guess. All the bedrooms seem to be on the upper level. At the top of the stairs, there’s an abstract statue, small and black, with shapes that remind me of several figures entwined.
That idea and the knowledge of where we’re going fires me hotter and by the time we arrive at the doorway to one of the bedrooms, moisture trickles between my pussy lips.