Page 17 of Used By the Unicorn

We’re nearing the address she gave the driver, when her phone vibrates on the seat next to us and she picks it up.

“Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

I’m expecting more curse words. I’m expecting her to send an angry text or make a phone call and lay into someone.

What I’m not expecting, at all, is for her to burst into tears.



The contents of my stomach are threatening to splatter themselves all over the taxi. For some unknown reason, Stirling decided to follow me and I can’t stand the thought of throwing up in front of him, so I tell my guts again to mind their business.

Trying to distract myself, I snatch my phone off the seat when it vibrates and stare at the message.

It’s an email from the clinic.

Dear Ms. Cox,

I regret to inform you that we’re unable to reschedule your appointment again. If you cannot make the appointment, please contact the clinic as soon as possible to let us know. You will need another referral from your healthcare provider to book a new appointment if you wish to do so.

Kind regards,

Mark Scheffler

Maternal Instincts

“Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck.” The rescheduled appointment is tomorrow morning, nine o’clock. It was the only one they had left for weeks and I’ve already put it off too long. Only, I can’t face it.

My head is swimming and my vision is blurry with stinking tears I don’t want to be crying in front of a client.

The taxi stops. “That’ll be nineteen fifty.”

I fumble for my handbag, but I can’t find my wallet. Then my phone starts ringing. It vibrates angrily in my lap, throwing me off.

“Jade, why don’t you let me get this?”

I can’t even answer Stirling. All I can do is stare down at my phone in horror as the ID reveals it’s the clinic calling. It’s after eight. What the fuck are they calling for after eight?


It’s so hot in here. Stifling hot. Sweat stabs tiny pin pricks under my arms and the back of my neck, and my chest is tight.

Why can’t I breathe?

I pull frantically at the handle to open the door, but it’s locked. I still haven’t paid.

“Hey!” The driver twists in his seat to glare at me. “You gotta pay, lady.”

I can’t think. I can’t breathe. All I know is if I don’t get some goddamn air I’m going to spew everywhere.

I shuffle toward Stirling’s side and reach across him to try the handle on that side.

Too late.

I hunch forward and bring up everything in my stomach. All over Stirling’s pants. The indignity continues two more times, while the taxi driver shouts something from the front seat I can’t hear over the rushing in my ears and the wretching sounds.

When it’s over, I sit back, horrified.