Page 14 of Used By the Unicorn

“Oh come on. That’s not really what you want to do in the hour you’ve paid for.”

“Why not? I want to know all about you.”

That should be creepy. I’m fighting with my instincts not to find it cute, though. “Well some things are off limits.”

“Then tell me something that’s not off limits.” He takes a long drink, draining most of the glass in one go. That makes me remember other things he was really good at with his mouth.

I press my thighs together under the table. So, he was a good fuck. So what? Doesn’t mean anything.

My pussy disagrees.

“Well, by day, I work at a designer fashion house called Oniero. And I like pina coladas and long walks in the rain.”

“Oh, are you a fashion designer?” He ignores my facetious add-ons. Once again, I kick myself for being a jerk to this sweet guy.

“No. I’m just the IT girl and sales assistant. But my friend Kalli is amazing. You should see some of the designs she’s created.”

“Show me.”

I chuckle. “Well, you asked for it.” Bringing out my phone, I open the website I’ve been working on. “It’s not live yet, but these are her designs.” I scroll through the pictures I took of her designs on the mannequin. To his credit, Stirling looks through all of them and he clearly pays attention.

“I like the blue one with the button details,” he says when he’s looked through them all.

OK, so he can pay attention. Doesn’t mean he’s anything special.

“What about your family? Are they from Heartstone?”

“Next question.” There’s no way I’m talking to a client about my screwed up family. No matter how cute he is.

Stirling turns the conversation and starts talking about his herd. He tells me about Boaz and Sapphy and Knight, and the foal they’re expecting.

“So y’all live together?” I ask him. “All in that big house?”

He grins. “Yep. All together.”

That’s crazy to me. Despite that, though, I find my curiosity piqued. “Doesn’t that get annoying? Like having housemates you’re stuck with!”

He laughs. “They’re family. Of course they get annoying sometimes. Everyone does. But it would be lonely without them.”

I think about what he said. I have to admit there are days when I hate coming home to my empty apartment. Still beats living with my ex, Carston, though. I do wonder what it would be like to live with people I liked. People I wanted to be around all the time.

“Humans live with their families, too, don’t they?”

“Well, yeah, I guess. So, is that crazy hard? Like do you have five wives or something?”

Stirling laughs. “It’s not hard at all. To me, it’s normal. And to answer your question, no, I don’t have any wives, or bond mates. Yet.”

He gives me such a serious look I squirm.

That’s what he thinks I am? The thought makes me warm and prickly.

I glance down at my phone. “Oh, look at that. Your hour is almost up. Would you like to make another booking?”

“Absolutely. Tomorrow night?”

I shouldn’t be feeling excited about seeing him again. I shouldn’t be feeling anything except satisfaction at another night’s pay being secured. “Sure. Where would you like to go? I’ll have to charge extra if you want me to come back to yours. Especially, if you’re sharing.” I vaguely remember the other members of his herd. One of them was a stocky, muscular male with spiky brown mane. I acknowledge privately that I wouldn’t object to being shared between the two of them.

“I thought I’d take you out for dinner. As long as that’s not off limits?”