Only, that’s exactly what happened to Kalli, isn’t it?
I cough. “Besides, I’m not interested in that. I just want cash. But feel free to let me know if you have a new client for me.” I hang up before she can say something else to erode the last of my resolve.
I last approximately three hours.
It takes approximately three hours for me to drag myself out of bed, scarf down some breakfast or lunch, or whatever you call it at two in the afternoon, and do the maths to work out unless I somehow work another forty hours every week, I’ll never pay off my shitty ex-husband’s debt, let alone save any money to afford to have his baby I’m not even sure I want anyway.
Sofia answers after two rings and I’m grateful. “Hi, it’s Jade here, from the unicorn job? Listen, I’m sorry I was a bit hasty before. I was wondering if you’d be able to tell me exactly what he’s offering to pay?”
“This isn’t a date.” I probably shouldn’t have said that. It escapes my lips, though, when Stirling’s gaze locks with mine across the cozy interior of the Monster Bar. His expression is wide-eyed and hopeful, and his big grin stretches across his elongated face showing off large white teeth.
Thankfully, I don’t think I said it loud enough for him to hear. He trots across the room and leans in to kiss my cheek, but pauses at the last moment. “May I?”
Reminding myself I should be nice since he’s a paying client, I turn my head and present my cheek.
Somehow, he manages to make the chaste brush of his lips on my skin feel like something far more sensual. It probably has to do with his hot breath tickling my ear and the memories flooding my mind of his thick cock impaling me from behind flooding my mind.
I shiver.
“Nope. Not a date,” I mutter under my breath.
Stirling takes a seat opposite me. “So can I buy you a drink on this definitely not a date, date?”
I huff out a breath. Dammit. “So that’s how this is going to be, huh? You’re just going to ignore everything I say.”
He gives me a wicked look and I swear the light glints off the golden cap on his horn. “No. I intend to listen very very closely until I find out how to win you over.”
I shake my head. “Listen, that’s very sweet, but it’s not going to happen. Can I be honest with you?” I probably shouldn’t.
“Of course.”
“I need money. Simple as that. That’s why I’m here. That’s why I took the job at the party. But if you’re looking for something more than that, I’m not your girl.”
“So, let me get this straight. If I want to waste my money booking you every night this week just to listen to you tell me no, that’s up to me, right?”
I stare at him. “Every day?” What am I supposed to say to that? Why is that so adorable? “I mean, I guess.”
He grins across the table at me and, eventually, I can only laugh. The absurdity of his hope and his undiluted optimism do chase away my bad mood. I guess if I’ve been up front with him and he still wants to book me, I don’t have to feel guilty I’m creating the wrong impression.
“So, can I get you that drink?”
I sigh. Guess I’m going through with this, then. I have to admit, every day this week is a pretty good offer, even though I’ll be tired by the end of it. “Just a soda water, thanks.”
He nods and goes off to the bar, returning with two soda waters.
“You’re not drinking?”
He shrugs. “You’re not, either. I figured it might make you uncomfortable.”
“You don’t have to do that.” I grab the straw and twist it in my drink, avoiding his eyes while acknowledging it was a thoughtful gesture. No one I’ve been out with in the last couple months did that. Mind you, no one knows I’m pregnant. I haven’t told a soul.
“So, tell me about you.”