Page 11 of Used By the Unicorn

I could hug her! And her big pet wolf. I restrain myself because she’s human and he’s a werewolf. Shifters can take unkindly to unexpected physical contact, but I still risk taking her hand and shaking it vigorously. “Thank you. Thank you. You have my word I will be the perfect gentleman. And I’ll spread the word about Monstrous Deals. You’ve got all the unicorn parties in the city if you want them.”

She laughs. “I’m not sure we could cater for them all! Demand for human escorts for monsters is bigger than ever. We might have to look at expanding to monster escorts.”

I grin. “Nothing wrong with that. I know some unicorns without a herd who would jump at the chance.”



I wake to a buzzing from my nightstand, my eyes blurry and my mouth fuzzy. I snatch a pillow and shove it over my head, trying to ignore whoever is being such a dick to call me at whatever goddamn time this is.

It doesn’t stop, though. It just goes on and on, and then I realize: it’s not a phone call, it’s an alarm.

An alarm I must have set.

Groaning, I sit and retrieve my phone, staring down at the screen: ultrasound scan today 2:15 pm.


How the hell did I forget about this? The appointment I’ve been dreading all week. I can only blame the intensity of last night’s job ending in two world-shattering orgasms from the monster I will not name in my head. It only leads to trouble if I admit I remember his name.


I remember more than that. Large, strong hands touching my body in ways that felt practiced, familiar, and yet exciting. A powerful body that dwarfed mine, yet somehow only made me feel safe. An enormous cock that filled me up like I’ve only dreamed about.

I flop back onto the bed with another groan, feeling a throb in my pussy I absolutely do not need right now.

Determined not to think about him, I force my mind back to today’s problem. I can’t do it.

I can’t face it today. I mean, I’ve taken the test. I even visited the doctor, but somehow the idea of seeing it with my own eyes makes it real. It feels weird to be calling my baby ‘it’ in my head, but how else am I supposed to think about them? I don’t even know yet if it’s a boy or a girl. It’s too soon.

I don’t even know if I can go through with this pregnancy.

What choice do I have, though?

I considered other options, but I can’t face those either.

I’m not normally indecisive. I’m usually the first one with an opinion, easily choosing between one thing and another, but somehow, when it comes to this baby, I just can’t.

I sigh and flip my legs over the side of the bed, getting up to stretch. I’m sore in places I didn’t expect to be sore. Apparently, my arms got more of a work out than I realized last night. And my stomach. And my pussy.

For a moment, I’m thrown back into a vision of the room full of curious or aroused faces, people and monsters watching me as Stirling made me come harder than I’ve come in a long time.

Harder than I’ve come with someone else, ever.

I drag my ass to the bathroom to pee and splash some water on my face. It doesn’t make me feel any better, though. I stare at my reflection in the rusted mirror and sigh. My short green hair is a wild mop on top of my head. My face has a strange, red impression left on it by my bedding, and I didn’t do a good job removing my makeup last night. Traces of black mascara are smudged beneath my eyes, making me look as tired as I feel.

Who the fuck wants me as their mom?

I’m not even sure I know how to adult, let aloneparent. I’m not qualified for this. Evidenced by my shitty record at making life-choices and my status as firmly, resolutely single.

OK, divorced. Let’s call a spade a spade.

I’m twenty-seven, divorced, and nearly forty thousand dollars in debt.

With a roiling stomach, I stumble back and collapse on the bed, fumbling for my phone.

I lift it and search for the confirmation text message I got from the clinic last week that I hastily dismissed.