Page 8 of Loved By the Orc

“Uh, tasted me?” I wondered uneasily if he meant that in a “grind your bones to make my bread” kind of way, like a giant in a fairytale.

“You know, I haven’t kissed and licked between your legs,” he said, as though it was obvious. “What do humans call it?”

“Oh, um…” I could feel my cheeks getting hot as I suddenly pictured him licking my pussy, which was suddenly feeling extremely hot and achy. “Going down, I guess?” I suggested, shifting and pressing my thighs together tightly.

“Now your face is getting red—that means you’re embarrassed, right?” he asked, frowning. “Did I say something humans consider rude?”

“Notexactly…” I cleared my throat. “It’s just that we humans don’t usually talk about, er, sexual things until we get to know someone really well.”

“Sorry!” He sighed and rubbed a hand over his bristly jaw. “Orcs talk about sex whenever and to whoever—it’s natural, you know? But I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable. I won’t say anything else like that.”

“It’s okay,” I said. “Er, maybe we should just move on from the bedroom.”

“Good idea.” He swung the bedroom door shut so I couldn’t see the massive bed anymore and continued the tour. There wasn’t much else tosee though, since the house was just one level, and we ended up in the kitchen.

Tark opened a massive refrigerator and I saw what looked like several take-out containers, lots of vegetables, a bottle of wine, and a jug with a stopper in it.

“Is that the, uh, Pixie Punch?” I asked, pointing to it.

“Yeah, but it’s pretty potent stuff,” he said, removing another pitcher—a clear glass one that was half full of water. “Don’t know why I offered it to you—it’d knock a tiny little thing like you on your ass.”

“I might surprise you,” I said, putting a hand on my hip. “Can I just try a sip?”

I didn’t know what had gotten into me. I shouldn’t beofferingto drink alcohol at a strange Orc’s house! If I was with a human man, it would be like asking to get date-raped.

Tark seemed to consider, but then he shook his head.

“I don’t think so, Babygirl. It wouldn’t be safe—not with you having the other magic potion in your system.”

“Whatdid you call me?” I frowned up at him. It occurred to me that I halfway remembered him calling me that when I had first run into him, but I had been too upset to protest.

“Oh, sorry,” he apologized. “It’s just a nickname for a little one and you know you’re just sotiny.”

I really did feel like a kid, standing there in his massive kitchen where all the countertops came up past my breasts and the oven looked big enough to roast and entire pig in at once. But I didn’t like to admit it.

“I’mnotlittle,” I protested. “I’m really tall for a woman—I’m almost five foot eleven. And I’m not skinny either.”

“Thank goodness you’re not,” he rumbled. “So many of the human women I see look like they might get blown away in a storm.”

“The point is, I’mnotlittle,” I repeated.

He gave that rumbling laughter again.

“Maybe not to a human male. For me you’re the size of a…well, a babygirl. But I won’t call you that if you don’t want me to.”

“I’m…not exactly sure how I feel about it,” I admitted. “How about that water, since you won’t let me try the Pixie Punch?”

“I’ll let you have some next time you come—if you visit again,” he offered. “I just want to be sure you’re all right with that potion you took.”

I was touched by his concern for me. I wondered if all Orcs were this nice to women. If so, they were getting a bad rap in the Lord of the Rings movies.

He poured me a glass of water which was so big I had to wrap both my hands around it. Luckily he only filled it half full but it was still much more than I could drink. It was cold and refreshing, though. I told him so as I reached to put the glass in his sink.

“Here—let me—the sink is deep and your arms aren’t that long, Babygirl,” he murmured, taking it from me.

This time I didn’t say anything about the nickname—I think I had already decided I kind of liked it.

We walked back to sit on the couch together but when I started to scramble up onto it, Tark lifted me again, without asking.