Page 7 of Loved By the Orc

When it came off, I had to bite back a gasp. It was molded, like a lot of armor is, to show defined pecs and abs, but I didn’t know whatmight be under it. But from what I could see through the thin white T-shirt he was wearing, it looked like his chest was evenbetterdefined than the armor that had been covering it. He was pure muscle—and completely mouthwatering in an extra-extra-extra large way.

“Sorry—I was getting kind of sweaty,” he apologized and plucked at the t

T-shirt with a grimace.

“Er, you can take it off—if you want. The shirt, I mean,” I added quickly. “I won’t be offended.”

“Oh, if you don’t mind,” he rumbled and proceeded to peel the thin white shirt up and off.

I tried not to stare—Ireallydid. But it was really hard not to. He looked like a Greek god—if Greek gods were green, that was. I noticed with interest that the flat disks of his nipples were a darker green than his skin and that he didn’t have any chest hair. He did, however, have a narrow line of black hair that led from his navel down into the waistband of his brown leather trousers.

“I’d better get something else to wear,” he said and started for the back of the house, which I hadn’t seen yet. Then he stopped. “Or maybe I’d better not. What if you have a reaction while I’m gone?”

“You can just stay here—I don’t mind if you’re shirtless,” I said, which was possibly the biggest understatement I’d ever been guilty of. I was enjoying the sight of his bare chest and broad shoulders way more than I should have—especially since he was basically a stranger.

It occurred to me belatedly that I ought to be afraid—not just because he was so much bigger and stronger than me, but because I was in the home of a strange man. Or a strange Orc, I guess. But I didn’t feel the sense of threat I might have if I’d been with a human guy—I can’t explain why, I just knew that Tark wouldn’t hurt me. Maybe it was because he’d just spent almost forty-five minutes holding me gently against his chest and making sure I was okay—those weren’t the actions of a serial killer.

“Would you like something to drink?” he asked me.

“Uh, sure—what do you have?” I said.

“Well, IthinkI have some wine. And some Pixie Punch. Or just water,” he offered.

“Water is fine,” I said. It seemed like the safest choice. I didn’t want to be drinking wine when I was about to go back to work and I had no idea what “Pixie Punch” was.

“I’ll go get it.” He got up again and then hesitated, clearly not wanting to leave me. Obviously he took his duty to watch over me very seriously.

“How about if I come with you?” I offered. “You can show me your kitchen—if you don’t mind.”

“Sure, you can have the tour. Come on, then.”

“Okay.” I started to slide off the couch—it was too high for me to get off normally. But Tark surprised me by reaching down and taking me by the waist to lift me down gently.

“Sorry,” he said as he set me down. “I should have asked first. I just didn’t want you to get hurt.”

“I’m fine. And I didn’t mind,” I said. And surprisingly, I didn’t. In fact, I kind of liked it. I had never dated a human guy who could pick me up like that or one who could make me feel dainty and petite just by standing beside me. Tark did both of those things easily—it made me like him even more.

“Oh, good,” he said, looking relieved. “Well come on, let me give you the tour.”

He took me through his whole house and I got to see his enormous dining room table and chairs as well as a bathroom with a toilet high enough that I would need a step ladder to get up on it. He also opened his bedroom door and I got a glimpse of where he slept—a bed that put any California King to shame.

“Wow—that’s big enough for eight people to sleep in!” I remarked.

Tark made a rumbling noise that I thought might be a laugh.

“Not if they’re my size! Though I could fit someoneyoursize, I’m sure,” he remarked, giving me an appraising look with half-lidded eyes.

“Oh, well…” I began uncertainly.

“Sorry—did I offend you? I’m never sure with humans—your kind is really new to me,” he said.

“No, no—I just…I’mnotgoing to sleep with you,” I said bluntly, not sure how else to put it. “We need to get that straight right now.”

“No, of course not,” he said, looking surprised. “I was just making a joke, that’s all. We barely fucking know each other and I haven’t even prepared you.”

“Prepared me?” I frowned uncertainly.

“You know—I haven’t kissed you, touched you…” He gave me another long look. “Tasted you.”