“No, I definitely don’t want that!” I shivered. The thought of becoming like Mr. Price chilled me, even though I was neck deep in hot, soapy water.
“Of course you don’t. Don’t worry, baby—we’re going to get you squeaky clean tonight,” he promised. “Just let me wash you.”
He took his time, scrubbing me all over—and I do meanallover. He ran his big hands all over my body until I was practically trembling with need. But though he took the time to tug my nipples and to scrub between my legs—which mostly consisted of him teasing my aching clit with his fingertip—he never quite let me come.
At last I was panting with desire.
“Please, Tark!” I begged. “Please, I need you!”
“Need you too, baby,” he growled softly. “You think you’re all clean now?”
“All clean and ready for naked cuddles,” I assured him. “And this time I want you to get naked too!”
Tark gave me an uncertain look.
“I still don’t know if you’re ready for that, Babygirl. Remember I told you that Orcs have different, uh, equipment down there?”
“What, do you have a nest of tentacles or something?” I demanded, feeling thoroughly exasperated.
He rumbled a laugh.
“Hardly! I’m not a fucking Kraken, you know.”
“Well, whatever you have, I want to see it,” I said bossily. “And more than that, I want touseit. I nearly died today, you know. And if I had, I would have gone without ever getting to get really close to you.”
“Aw, Babygirl—please don’t talk like that!” His golden eyes were suddenly suspiciously shiny.
“Well, it’s true,” I pointed out. I sighed. “Look, I know you think I’m too small to, you know, take you, but at least let me try. I have some pretty big toys back home, you know.”
His eyes were suddenly lazy with lust.
“Toys, is it? Hmm, why is this the first I’m hearing about them?”
I bit my lip, my cheeks feeling hot.
“Well…I mean, it’s kind of embarrassing. But I wanted you to know that I can take you.”
“You probably will be able to if I taste you first,” he rumbled. “The question is, will you want to once you see what I’ve got in my pants?”
“What in theworlddo you have?” I demanded—I was extremely curious. “Come on, youhaveto show me.”
Tark sighed.
“Well… I guess. But it’s different from what human males have.”
“Tark…” I put my hand on his arm and looked into his eyes. “Whatever it is, I want it,” I told him. “You love and accept me just the way I am—what makes you think I can’t do the same for you?”
“I just don’t want to scare you off,” he said in a low voice.
“You won’t,” I assured him. “I’m not going anywhere.”
“All right, Babygirl—you asked for it.” He had been kneeling by the tub but now he rose and held open a fluffy blue towel for me. “Come on—let’s get you all dried off and then you can see what I’ve got for you.”
Tark finished drying me off and then swung me into his arms and carried me into the bedroom. The minute he put me down in the center of his huge bed, I was reaching for him.